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Colgate Course Reviews

Colgate University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CORE 192CNative Americans in the SW00000
CORE 143SIntroduction to Statistics00000
CORE 138SAdvent of the Atomic Bomb00000
CORE 131SScientific In-queery00000
CORE 128SGlobal Change and You00000
CORE 122SLife in Universe: Cosmic Persp00000
CORE 114SEcology, Ethics, & Wilderness00000
CORE 110SDiscovering Biology: Evolution00000
CORE 106SGalileo, Church & Sci Endeavor00000
CORE 102SMolecules, Energy & Environmt00000
CORE 400Core Distinction Seminar00000
CORE 198CCuba00000
CORE 146SRSRS: Research & Reflection00000
CORE 191SThe Archaeology of Food00000
CORE 188CThe Iroquois00000
CORE 187SThe Things with Feathers00000
CORE 185SBalderdash Codswallop &Malarky00000
CORE 181SCooperation & the Environment00000
CORE 180CFrench Caribbean00000
CORE 178SWater00000
CORE 177CPeru00000
CORE 172CCalifornia00000
CORE 170CIslamic North Africa00000
CORE 166SThe Air Up There00000
CORE 171CMexico00000
CORE 199CBolivia00000
CORE 195CWest Africa00000
CORE 192SThe Anthropocene00000
CORE 190CSouth Africa00000
CORE 189CAfrica00000
CORE 187CRussia: Crossroads East/West00000
CORE 183CThe Middle East00000
CORE 180SThe Science of Music00000
CORE 179SAn Unequal World00000
CORE 177SCritical Analys of Hlth: AIDS00000
CORE 176SNatrl Disaster:Sci,Media,Movie00000
CORE 163CThe Caribbean00000
CORE 169CRwanda00000
CORE 166CIndia00000
CORE 164CArgentina00000
CORE 159SEcology & Quality-Environment00000
CORE 158SMolecules that Rock Your World00000
CORE 156CSouthern Africa00000
CORE 153CAppalachia00000
CORE 151Legacies of Ancient World00000
CORE 149CHispaniola (Haiti/Dom. Rep.)00000
CORE 147SEmerging Global Challenges00000
CORE 151XLegacies Anc World/FLAC-Greek00000
CORE 179CCentral Asia00000
CORE 176CNorth American Indians00000
CORE 173CEthiopia00000
CORE 170SMedia Effects00000
CORE 167CJapan00000
CORE 165CChina00000
CORE 162SFoodwise00000
CORE 159CMaya00000
CORE 157CFrance00000
CORE 155CInternet00000
CORE 152Challenges of Modernity00000
CORE 180CXFrench Caribbean/FLAC00000
CORE 149CXHispaniola(Haiti/DomRep)/FLAC00000
CORE 147CSenegal00000
CORE 145CDirty South00000
CORE 139SElection Methods/Voting Tech00000
CORE 137SMind, Body, and Health00000
CORE 129SDangerous Earth00000
CORE 123SClimate Change & Human Hist00000
CORE 119SEnviron Activism, Sci, & Arts00000
CORE 113SHow to Build a Baby00000
CORE 108SThe Story of Colorants00000
CORE 115SLanguage Acquisition00000
CORE 160CLatin America00000
CORE 158CPuerto Rico00000
CORE 156SDrugs, Brain, & Behavior00000
CORE 154CIndonesia00000
CORE 151RSRS: Research & Reflection00000
CORE 150CNative People of Great Plains00000
CORE 148CBlack Migrations00000
CORE 146SGood Life: Psych Science/SRS00000
CORE 140SLanguage & Cognition00000
CORE 124SCells & Human Development00000
CORE 120SEarth Resources00000
CORE 103SRemote Sensing of Environment00000
CORE 109SIn Data We Trust00000
CORE 105SNanotechnology00000
CORE 101SEnergy and Sustainability00000
CORE 197CTibet00000
CORE 193CBrazil00000
CORE 191CSpain00000
CORE 189SSleep00000
CORE 188SIt's a Dog Life00000
CORE 186SThe Rhetoric of Science00000
CORE 183SThe Science Fiction Effect00000