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Colgate Course Reviews

Colgate University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COSC 311Security, Privacy and Society00000
COSC 101LIntro to Computing I Lab00000
COSC 102LIntro to Computing II Lab00000
COSC 140Developing Web Applications/SG00000
COSC 201LComputer Organization Lab00000
COSC 202Data Structures and Algorithms00000
COSC 208LIntro to Comp Systems Lab00000
COSC 290ZDiscrete Structures00000
COSC 301LOperating Systems Lab00000
COSC 302Analysis of Algorithms00000
COSC 304Theory of Computing00000
COSC 492Honors Research00000
COSC 391Ind: Paramet Comb Algorithms00000
COSC 410LApplied Machine Learning Lab00000
COSC 415LSoftware Engineering Lab00000
COSC 435LComputer Graphics Lab00000
COSC 460Database Management Systems00000
COSC 465Computer Networks00000
COSC 470LHuman-Computer Interaction Lab00000
COSC 480LTpcs:Applied Machine Learn Lab00000
COSC 491Ind: Network Information Flow00000
COSC 304LTheory of Computing Lab00000
COSC 102Intro to Computing II00000
COSC 140LDeveloping Web Applicatns Lab00000
COSC 201Computer Organization00000
COSC 202LData Struct and Algorithms Lab00000
COSC 208Intro to Computer Systems00000
COSC 290LDiscrete Structures Lab00000
COSC 290Discrete Structures00000
COSC 301Operating Systems00000
COSC 302LAnalysis of Algorithms Lab00000
COSC 101Intro to Computing I00000
COSC 311LSecurity/Privacy & Society Lab00000
COSC 410Applied Machine Learning00000
COSC 415Software Engineering00000
COSC 435Computer Graphics00000
COSC 460LDatabase Management Lab00000
COSC 465LComputer Networks Lab00000
COSC 470Human-Computer Interaction00000
COSC 480Tps:Natural Lang Processing00000
COSC 482Indp: NLP Gaming Accessibility00000