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Columbus State Course Reviews

Columbus State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUSC 1100HMusic Appreciation22111
KINS 5137UElectrocardiography54541
KINS 3126Rec and Eval of Athletic Injur55551
KINS 2105Weight Control55531
BIOL 5245UComparative Animal Physiology00000
COMM 4142Public Relations Campaigns00000
COUN 7286Marriage Systems Theory and Therapy00000
CPSC 4155Computer Architecture00000
ARTS 4237Narrative Illustration00000
BIOL 6795Biology Seminar Series00000
CPSC 6555Selected Topics in Comp Sci00000
COMM 3257XVideo Production I00000
BIOL 4391Research/Internship Proposal00000
COUN 6115Ethics and Professional Issues in Counseling00000
ARTS 3265Photography I00000
CPSC 3125Operating Systems00000
BIOL 5287GConservation Genetics00000
CPSC 6107Modeling and Simulation00000
ARTE 7000Graduate Exhibition00000
ARTS 4698Internship00000
CRJU 3126Instit Treatmnt/Crim Offenders00000
CHEM 1212KPrinciples of Chemistry II00000
CHEM 3142Biochemistry II00000
ARTH 3126Baroque Art00000
ARTS 5278UAdvanced Printmaking00000
CHEM 4112Physical Chemistry II00000
COMM 3145Family Communication00000
BIOL 1232KGeneral Biology II00000
COMM 3698Junior Internship00000
ARTS 2000Art Foundation: Portfolio Review00000
COMM 4698Senior Internship00000
BIOL 5215GDevelopmental Biology00000
COUN 6405Appl Pract/Community Counsel00000
ARTE 4210Art Education: Curriculum and Classroom Strategies00000
CPSC 2125Internet Programming00000
BIOL 5255UVertebrate Diversity00000
CPSC 4113Game Jam00000
ARTS 3311Materials Studies00000
CPSC 5125UComputer Graphics00000
BIOL 5525GSelected Topics in Organismic Biology: Ichthyology00000
CPSC 6136Human Aspects of Cybersecurity00000
ANTH 1109Intro to Forensic Anthropology00000
CRJU 2145Criminal Law00000
BUSA 4185Strategic Management00000
CRJU 3138Victimology00000
ARTH 2127Intro to Non-Western Art00000
CHEM 3111Organic Chemistry I00000
ARTS 4796Art Seminar: Thesis Exhibition00000
CHEM 3345Biochemistry Lab I00000
ANTH 4899Independent Study00000
ASTR 1105Desc Astronomy: The Solar Syst00000
CHEM 4315Foundations Phys Chem Lab00000
CHEM 4899Supervised Undergrad Research00000
CHEM 5116GCatalysis00000
ARTH 3555Selected Topics in Art History00000
ASTR 3115Astrophysics00000
CHEM 5555GSelected Topic: Materials Chemistry00000
COMM 3119Introduction to CMC00000
BIOL 1125HContemporary Issues in Biology Non-Lab: Evolutionary Medicin...00000
COMM 3235Interactive Media Production00000
ARTS 1020Art Foundation: 2D and Digital00000
COMM 3273Production Accounting00000
BIOL 2222KHuman Anatomy & Physiology II00000
COMM 4116Communication Ethics00000
ARAB 1001Elementary Arabic I00000
COMM 4257Video Production II00000
BIOL 4698Internship00000
COMM 6157Communication Research00000
ARTS 3000Pre-Exhibit Review00000
COUN 6185Gender Issues in Counseling00000
BIOL 5218UIntroduction to Virology00000
COUN 7165Counseling Children00000
ACCT 4698Internship in Accounting00000
CPSC 1301KComputer Science I00000
BIOL 5248UOrnithology00000
CPSC 3111COBOL Programming00000
ARTS 3305Art Seminar: Contemporary Theory & Practice00000
CPSC 3415IT Practicum00000
BIOL 5285UAquatic Biology00000
CPSC 4130Mobile Computing00000
ARTE 6185Concepts in Art Education00000
CPSC 4505Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 5295GAnimal Communication00000
CPSC 5165UWeb Development Projects00000
ARTS 3555Selected Topics in Studio Art00000
CPSC 6124Advanced Machine Learning00000
BIOL 5899UIndependent Study00000
CPSC 6177Software Design, Development00000
ACCT 3112Intermediate Accounting II00000
CPSC 6986Thesis Title: Machine Learning Application to Real-World Dat...00000
BUSA 3116Managerial Decision Making00000
CRJU 3115Deviant Behaviors00000
ARTS 4307Printmaking Internship00000
CHEM 6125Advanced Physical Chemistry00000
ATSC 1112Understanding the Weather00000
COMM 1110HPublic Speaking00000
COMM 2115Intercultural Communication00000
CHEM 1152Survey of Chemistry II00000
ACCT 2101Principles of Accounting I00000
ACCT 4118Fraud Examination00000