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Columbus State Course Reviews

Columbus State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 2222KHuman Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIOL 5215UDevelopmental Biology00000
BIOL 5118UNeuroscience00000
BIOL 4795Capstone Senior Seminar00000
BIOL 4698Internship00000
BIOL 4393HResearch Presentation00000
BIOL 4392Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 3217KEcology00000
BIOL 3215KCell Biology00000
BIOL 5216UHistology and Histotechniques00000
BIOL 2207KOrganismic Biology II00000
BIOL 2206KOrganismic Biology I00000
BIOL 1232KGeneral Biology II00000
BIOL 1225KContemporary Issues in Biology with Lab: Contemporary Health...00000
BIOL 1216KHuman Biology00000
BIOL 1125HContemporary Issues in Biology Non-Lab: Evolutionary Medicin...00000
BIOL 1011KIntroduction to Biology00000
BIOL 6931MS Thesis Research00000
BIOL 5259UComparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIOL 5535GSelected Topics in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology: Evol...00000
BIOL 5525GSelected Topics in Organismic Biology: Ichthyology00000
BIOL 5318UNeuroscience Lab00000
BIOL 5295UAnimal Communication00000
BIOL 5289UEnvironmental Toxicology00000
BIOL 5287UConservation Genetics00000
BIOL 5286UCommunity Ecology00000
BIOL 5285UAquatic Biology00000
BIOL 6795Biology Seminar Series00000
BIOL 5255UVertebrate Diversity00000
BIOL 5249UParasitology00000
BIOL 5248UOrnithology00000
BIOL 5245GComparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 5225GMicrobial Pathogenesis00000
BIOL 5219UImmunology00000
BIOL 5218UIntroduction to Virology00000
BIOL 4392HUndergraduate Research00000
BIOL 5225UMicrobial Pathogenesis00000
BIOL 5219GImmunology00000
BIOL 5218GIntroduction to Virology00000
BIOL 5216GHistology and Histotechniques00000
BIOL 5215GDevelopmental Biology00000
BIOL 5118GNeuroscience00000
BIOL 4698HInternship00000
BIOL 4393Research Presentation00000
BIOL 5245UComparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 4391Research/Internship Proposal00000
BIOL 3216KGenetics00000
BIOL 2225KMicrobiology for Health Scienc00000
BIOL 2221KHuman Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BIOL 1715Profession and Careers in Bio00000
BIOL 1231KGeneral Biology I00000
BIOL 1225HContemporary Issues in Biology with Lab: Contemporary Health...00000
BIOL 1215KPrinciples of Biology00000
BIOL 5289GEnvironmental Toxicology00000
BIOL 6605MS Biol Internship00000
BIOL 6555Selected Topics in Biology: Histology00000
BIOL 6215Exp Design and Application00000
BIOL 5899UIndependent Study00000
BIOL 5535USelected Topics in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology: Evol...00000
BIOL 5525USelected Topics in Organismic Biology: Ichthyology00000
BIOL 5318GNeuroscience Lab00000
BIOL 5295GAnimal Communication00000
BIOL 1012KIntroduction to Biology 2 with Lab00000
BIOL 5287GConservation Genetics00000
BIOL 5286GCommunity Ecology00000
BIOL 5285GAquatic Biology00000
BIOL 5259GComparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIOL 5255GVertebrate Diversity00000
BIOL 5248GOrnithology00000
BIOL 5246UEntomology00000