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Columbus State Course Reviews

Columbus State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CPSC 6167Cybersecurity Risk Management00000
CPSC 3131Database Systems I00000
CPSC 3118Graph User Interface Dev.00000
CPSC 3108Defensive Programming00000
CPSC 2159Intro to Computer Networking00000
CPSC 2108Data Structures00000
CPSC 1302Computer Science II00000
CPSC 1105Intro Comp Principles and Tech00000
CPSC 6899Independent Study00000
CPSC 6185Intelligent Systems00000
CPSC 6177Software Design, Development00000
CPSC 3175Object-Oriented Design00000
CPSC 6136Human Aspects of Cybersecurity00000
CPSC 6127Contmpry Is In DB Man Sys00000
CPSC 6124Advanced Machine Learning00000
CPSC 6114Fundamentals of Mach. Learning00000
CPSC 6107Modeling and Simulation00000
CPSC 6103Comp Sci Principles Teachers00000
CPSC 5165UWeb Development Projects00000
CPSC 5135UProgramming Languages00000
CPSC 5125UComputer Graphics00000
CPSC 5155UComputer Architecture00000
CPSC 6986Thesis Title: Machine Learning Application to Real-World Dat...00000
CPSC 6555Selected Topics in Comp Sci00000
CPSC 6178Sftware Test & Quality Assuran00000
CPSC 6157Network and Cloud Management00000
CPSC 6129Comp. Lang. Design, Interpret.00000
CPSC 6126Introduction to Cybersecurity00000
CPSC 6119Obj-Orient Dev w/Components00000
CPSC 6109Algorithms Analysis and Design00000
CPSC 6105Fund Principles of Comp Sci00000
CPSC 5185UArtificial Intel and Mach Lear00000
CPSC 4698Internship in Computer Science00000
CPSC 5127UComp & Network Sec00000
CPSC 4899Independent Study00000
CPSC 4205IT Senior Capstone00000
CPSC 4175Software Engineering00000
CPSC 4148Theory of Computation00000
CPSC 4130Mobile Computing00000
CPSC 4125Server-Side Web Dev00000
CPSC 4113Game Jam00000
CPSC 4000Baccalaureate Survey00000
CPSC 4126Web Development Projects00000
CPSC 6118Human-Computer Interface Dev00000
CPSC 6106Fund of Comp Prog & Data Stru00000
CPSC 6000Graduate Exit Exam00000
CPSC 5157UComputer Networks00000
CPSC 5128UTheory of Computation00000
CPSC 5115UAlgorithm Analysis and Design00000
CPSC 4505Undergraduate Research00000
CPSC 4176Sr Software Eng Project00000
CPSC 4155Computer Architecture00000
CPSC 4135Programming Languages00000
CPSC 6125Op Sys Design & Implement00000
CPSC 4115Algorithms00000
CPSC 4111Game Programming I00000
CPSC 3415IT Practicum00000
CPSC 3156Transaction Processing00000
CPSC 3121Assembly Lang Programming I00000
CPSC 3111COBOL Programming00000
CPSC 3105Digital Multimedia Development00000
CPSC 2115Information Technology Fund.00000
CPSC 2105Computer Organization00000
CPSC 3106Info Security Risk Assessment00000
CPSC 4185Artificial Intel and Mach Lear00000
CPSC 4157Computer Networks00000
CPSC 4145Computer Graphics00000
CPSC 4127Comp & Network Sec00000
CPSC 4121Robotics Programming I00000
CPSC 4112Game Programming II00000
CPSC 3555Selected Topics in Computer Science Integrating Humanities i...00000
CPSC 3165Professionalism in Computing00000
CPSC 3125Operating Systems00000
CPSC 3116z/OS and JCL00000
CPSC 1301XComputer Science I00000
CPSC 2125Internet Programming00000
CPSC 2106Information Security00000
CPSC 1301KComputer Science I00000
CPSC 6985Thesis Title: Machine Learning Application to Real-World Dat...00000
CPSC 6698Graduate Internship00000
CPSC 6180Software Estimat and Measure00000
CPSC 6175Web Engineering/Technolog00000
CPSC 6147Data Visualization and Pres.00000
CPSC 6128Network Security00000