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Columbus State Course Reviews

Columbus State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CRJU 3107Stat for Crim Justice and Soci00000
CRJU 3146Criminal Justice Admin00000
CRJU 3167Forensic Evid.00000
CRJU 3555Sex Crimes00000
CRJU 4165Community Relations00000
CRJU 4169Technical Writing in CJ00000
CRJU 4176Con. Law and CJ00000
CRJU 4698Criminal Justice Internship00000
CRJU 2145Criminal Law00000
CRJU 3128Correction Law00000
CRJU 3117Intro Resrch Meth in CJ Soci00000
CRJU 3136Criminal Justice Ethics00000
CRJU 3155Juvenile Delinquency00000
CRJU 3168Crime Scene Reconstruction and Investigation00000
CRJU 4126Crime and Mental Health00000
CRJU 4167Multiculturalism in CJ00000
CRJU 4172Comparative Criminal Justice00000
CRJU 4178Forensic Criminal Justice00000
CRJU 4168Professionalism in CJ00000
CRJU 2146Crim Proc and Evidence00000
CRJU 3115Deviant Behaviors00000
CRJU 3125Community Based Corrections00000
CRJU 3135Women in Crime and Justice00000
CRJU 3138Victimology00000
CRJU 3165Crim Investigative Technique00000
CRJU 3169Violent Crime00000
CRJU 4155The Juvenile Justice System00000
CRJU 2105Criminology00000
CRJU 4175Interp. Comm. Skills for CJ00000
CRJU 4210Criminal Justice Capstone Crse00000
CRJU 1105Intro to Criminal Justice00000
CRJU 2106Survey of Corrections00000
CRJU 2165Police Organization and Operation00000
CRJU 3116Criminal Behaviors00000
CRJU 3126Instit Treatmnt/Crim Offenders00000