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Columbus State Course Reviews

Columbus State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CYBR 2106Intro to Information Security00000
CYBR 3108Defensive Programming00000
CYBR 3135Infrastructure Security00000
CYBR 4137Security Policies & Impl. sec.00000
CYBR 4145Sec. for Web Apps & Scl Net00000
CYBR 4166Intrusion Detection & Preventi00000
CYBR 2159Fund. of Computer Networks00000
CYBR 3106Cybersecurity Risk Management00000
CYBR 3128Cybersecurity Management00000
CYBR 4128Penetration Test.& Countermsrs00000
CYBR 4139Sec. Issues in Legal Context00000
CYBR 4160Applied Cryptography00000
CYBR 2160Intro to Information Security00000
CYBR 3119Fund. of Digital Forensics00000
CYBR 3136Wireless, IoT& Mobile Security00000
CYBR 4138Sec. Auditing for Compliance00000
CYBR 4146Net, Vrtulztionn & Cloud Comm00000
CYBR 4416Cybersecurity Practicum00000