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Conn Course Reviews

Connecticut College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFR 236Black Immigrant Narratives00000
AFR 330Hist Of The American South00000
AFR 335Black Women In Print & Screen00000
AFR 346African Women In Comp Persp00000
AFR 352Writing Empathy/Black Life00000
AFR 379Black Poetics00000
AFR 395Chang The Image: Black Cinema00000
AFR 429Youth & Soc Movemnt In Africa00000
AFR 465Globalztn & Am Cul Since 194500000
AFR 103African Civilizations to 187000000
AFR 114Introduction To Hip Hop Dance00000
AFR 119Performing Hip Hop Culture00000
AFR 165Afro-Caribbean Dance I00000
AFR 206The Civil War And Reconstruct00000
AFR 209Intersect Ident In U.S. Film00000
AFR 224Human Rights, Media & Activism00000
AFR 315Media, Self, and Society00000
AFR 252Latino Usa: Us Latinx Cultures00000
AFR 261Social & Personality Devel00000
AFR 276Philosophy of Race and Racism00000
AFR 306Adv Readngs Of Feminist Theory00000
AFR 310Racial Identity In America00000
AFR 321Child/Famil Multi-Cul Soc00000
AFR 333Existence In Black(In English)00000
AFR 344Of How It Feels To Be Black00000
AFR 354Black Feminisms00000
AFR 380Commemoration00000
AFR 400The Sociology Of Globalization00000
AFR 420Afrofuturism 2.000000
AFR 460Black Freedom Struggle,1946-6800000
AFR 491Individual Study00000
AFR 351Fugitive James Baldwin00000
AFR 117History Of Jazz00000
AFR 123Intro To African-American Lit00000
AFR 202Cc: Africana Studies Matter00000
AFR 204New World Black Masculinities00000
AFR 214Hip Hop Dance II00000
AFR 225African Amer Hist 1865-Present00000
AFR 237Inquiry in Black00000
AFR 260Anthropology Of The Caribbean00000
AFR 266Great Migration & Its Legacy00000
AFR 305Race/Ethnicity Baseball In U.S00000
AFR 309Hist Of Slavery/Emanc In Amer00000
AFR 316Repetition00000
AFR 331Racial Capitalsm: A Global His00000
AFR 339Latinx Music And Identity00000
AFR 104Child Rights/Public Policy00000
AFR 367Hist/Pol Of Racism/Publ Health00000
AFR 391Individual Study00000
AFR 416Controversies In Mental Health00000
AFR 435Segregation in America00000
AFR 462Terrorism In Contemp Africa00000
AFR 492Individual Study00000
AFR 162West African Dance I00000
AFR 208Race/Gender and the Mass Media00000
AFR 223Gen/Sexlty/Race In Caribb Cult00000
AFR 230The Day Beyonce Turned Black00000
AFR 245Mod African Hist:1870-Present00000
AFR 262West African Dance II00000
AFR 304Hist Of Hip Hop Music & Cultur00000
AFR 307The Politics Of Refugees00000