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Creighton Course Reviews

Creighton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHM 324Organic Chemistry Laboratory II00000
CHM 492Industrial Internship00000
CHM 496Directed Independent Research I00000
CHM 499Chemistry Seminar00000
CHM 525Organic Spectroscopic Analysis00000
CHM 575Nucleic Acid Biochemistry00000
CHM 111Fundamentals of General Chemistry00000
CHM 203General Chemistry I00000
CHM 206General Chemistry II Laboratory00000
CHM 285Advanced General Chemistry II00000
CHM 315Quantitative and Statistical Analysis00000
CHM 323Organic Chemistry II00000
CHM 451Inorganic Chemistry I00000
CHM 342Physical Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 381Fundamentals of Biochemistry00000
CHM 384Biochemistry II00000
CHM 446Statistical Mechanics00000
CHM 456Instrumental Analysis Lecture00000
CHM 493Directed Independent Readings00000
CHM 497Directed Independent Research II00000
CHM 502Inorganic Chemistry II00000
CHM 523Bioorganic Chemistry00000
CHM 544Quantum Chemistry00000
CHM 521Advanced Organic Chemistry: Synthetic Organic Methods00000
CHM 113Fundamentals Of Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 205General Chemistry II00000
CHM 297Directed Research00000
CHM 322Organic Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHM 341Physical Chemistry I00000
CHM 371Biochemistry of Metabolism00000
CHM 383Biochemistry I00000
CHM 448Group Theory00000
CHM 466Instrumental Analysis Laboratory00000
CHM 495Directed Independent Study00000
CHM 498Directed Independent Research Special00000
CHM 105Introductory Chemistry00000
CHM 527Polymer Chemistry00000
CHM 576Protein Biochemistry00000
CHM 112Fundamentals Of Biological Chemistry00000
CHM 204General Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHM 286Chemical and Statistical Analysis Laboratory00000
CHM 321Organic Chemistry I00000
CHM 331Concepts of Physical Chemistry00000
CHM 343Physical Chemistry II00000
CHM 382Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 392Forensic Chemistry00000