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Creighton Course Reviews

Creighton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIS 172Globalization and Leadership in Africa00000
HIS 317Mapping History: Cartography from the Early Modern to Digita...00000
HIS 310History Workshop00000
HIS 287Global Perspectives in History: The Native American Experien...00000
HIS 282Reacting to the Past00000
HIS 279Medieval Encounters00000
HIS 276Asia and the World: Global Perspective00000
HIS 273Global Perspectives in History: History of Science and Medic...00000
HIS 179A History of (Un)natural Disasters00000
HIS 345History and the Holocaust00000
HIS 108The Native American World00000
HIS 402Intersections: History of Disability00000
HIS 388Origins of Modern Africa00000
HIS 355Constitutional History of the United States Since 187700000
HIS 348Muhammad And The Rise Of Islam00000
HIS 330Cuba and the U.S.: Revolution and Restitution00000
HIS 312United States History Since 187700000
HIS 467Modern China00000
HIS 477Science and Medicine in Social Context00000
HIS 595Special Problems in History:Writing for Publication00000
HIS 567Change And Revolution In The Middle East00000
HIS 563Foreign Relations of the United States Since 194500000
HIS 497Directed Independent Research00000
HIS 490Advanced Research Methods00000
HIS 483History of Environmental Inequalities00000
HIS 476Historiography of Science and Medicine00000
HIS 307Introduction to American Studies00000
HIS 435Digital Cultures00000
HIS 421The Vikings00000
HIS 411The Renaissance00000
HIS 403The Roman Republic00000
HIS 395Selected Topics:Gender, Sex, and Power in Europe Since the F...00000
HIS 356Constitutional Issues00000
HIS 349Egyptian Art And Archaeology00000
HIS 290History Workshop00000
HIS 401Greek History To The Peloponnesian War00000
HIS 398History of Sexuality00000
HIS 376Spain and its Empire since 149200000
HIS 350Archaeology of Israel and Jordan00000
HIS 347The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Struggle For The Holy Land00000
HIS 321Tudor And Stuart England00000
HIS 316Introduction to Digital Humanities00000
HIS 311United States History To 187700000
HIS 408The High And Late Middle Ages00000
HIS 284Global Perspectives in History: The USA in the 20th and 21st...00000
HIS 280Sport And Athletics In The Ancient Mediterranean00000
HIS 277Global Perspectives on Medicine in Africa and the African Di...00000
HIS 274Global Perspectives in History: Rights and Revolutions00000
HIS 271Conquest, Piracy, and Slavery: A History of the Atlantic00000
HIS 176Controversies in Science and Medicine (1900-1990)00000
HIS 175History of Protest in America00000
HIS 566The United States and Vietnam00000
HIS 285The Stuff Of History: Materials That Have Shaped Our World00000
HIS 281Europe's Hubris and Humiliation00000
HIS 278Islam and the World00000
HIS 275The Twentieth Century as "The American Century"00000
HIS 272Global Perspectives in History: Europe and the World00000
HIS 177Seeking God in the Medieval West00000
HIS 171Waging Peace in the Twentieth Century00000
HIS 585Public History Internship00000
HIS 170Liberalism and Its Discontents00000
HIS 548Russa's Revolutions00000
HIS 493Directed Independent Readings00000
HIS 488Global Environmental History00000
HIS 479The Making of Modern Egypt00000
HIS 475Medieval and Modern Religious Pilgrimage: Walking Spain's Ca...00000
HIS 461History and Gender00000
HIS 420Selected Topics In Ancient History: Healthcare In Classical...00000