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CSB SJU Course Reviews

College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 233ODocumentary Film Prod(Fa)00000
ART 248Sophomore Topics00000
ART 240HArt History 1400-1850 (Fa)00000
ART 234ACeramics: Throwing (Fa)00000
ART 233ECeramics: Handbuilding (Fa)00000
ART 233SDigital Media: Movement(Fa,Ae)00000
ART 233FPrintmaking (Fa)00000
ART 233LIntro To Papermaking (Fa)00000
ART 233RWater Based Painting00000
ART 260Art History 1400-1850 (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 233BPrintmak:Intro/Relief(Fa,Ae)00000
ART 221Art History Of Greece (Fa)00000
ART 217LPhotography Lab00000
ART 215Intro To Painting (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 119Design: 3D/Drawing (Fa)00000
ART 372Open Studio00000
ART 352Senior Studio Thesis Part II00000
ART 214Intro to Drawing (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 397Internship00000
ART 355Senior Thesis Exhibit00000
ART 344Contemp Critical Theory(Fa,Ae)00000
ART 333CMixed Media Installation00000
ART 314Intermed/Advanced Drawing (Fa)00000
ART 271Indept Study00000
ART 250AHIST ART FRANCE (FA)(French)00000
ART 240AAsian Art Now00000
ART 345Culture & Art History (Fa)00000
ART 118Design: 2D/4D (Fa)00000
ART 362Intermediate/Advanced Video00000
ART 351Senior Studio Thesis I00000
ART 333DComputer Art: Visual Narrative00000
ART 319Intermed/Adv Ceramics(Fa,Ae)00000
ART 315Intermed/Advanced Painting(Fa)00000
ART 300Modern & Contemporary (Ae,Fa)00000
ART 233CPrintmaking:Intro Intaglio(Fa)00000
ART 333AComputer Art: Portrait00000
ART 317Intermed/Adv Photography (Fa)00000
ART 309BLatin American Art/Culture(Fa)00000
ART 262Intro to Video (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 250Hist Art France (Fa)00000
ART 243AIntro Graphic Design (Fa, Ae)00000
ART 239Intro Design & Ltrpress(Fa,Ae)00000
ART 233PFundamentals/Photography (Fa)00000
ART 350Baroque Art History (Fa)00000
ART 233MDigital Photography (Fa)00000
ART 233DIntro To Artists Books (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 233WMixed Media Install (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 222Art History Of Italy (Fa)00000
ART 218Intro to Computer Art (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 216Introduction to Sculpture (Fa)00000
ART 200Envr Art/Architecture (Fa)00000
ART 108Intro To Western Art Hist (Fa)00000
ART 371Indept Study00000
ART 113AIntroduction To 2D Arts (Fa)00000
ART 208Non-Western Art Survey (Fa)00000
ART 217Intro To Photography (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 219Intro to Ceramics (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 230Art Moves I:Neo1400 (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 233TAnimation: Trad Technique (Fa)00000
ART 233UAnimation: Digit Technique(Fa)00000
ART 233NIntroduction To Animation (Fa)00000
ART 233VIntro/Biological Illust(Fa,Ae)00000
ART 233QFictional Narrative Cinema00000
ART 240FPhotography In China (Fa)00000
ART 250BHIST ART FRANCE (FA)(English)00000
ART 309DEast Asian Gardens (Fa,Ae)00000
ART 318Intermed/Adv Computer Art (Fa)00000