CSB SJUProfessor N/a Reviews1Class Ratings1Awful Class5Very Easy1Very Boring5Very UsefulProfessor Rating 1Awful ProfProf: N/a / Year 2022Dec 6, 2022Comments on the courseThis is fulfilled by the ACFN 355 courseCourse ContentThis is fulfilled by the ACFN 355 courseComments on the professorThis is fulfilled by the ACFN 355 courseAdviceThis is fulfilled by the ACFN 355 courseCourse: ACFN XXXDelivery: Hybrid1Class Ratings1Awful Class5Very Easy1Very Boring5Very UsefulProfessor Rating 1Awful ProfProf: N/a / Year 2022Dec 6, 2022Comments on the courseThis is fulfilled by the CSCI 150 courseCourse ContentThis is fulfilled by the CSCI 150 courseComments on the professorThis is fulfilled by the CSCI 150 courseAdviceThis is fulfilled by the CSCI 150 courseCourse: ACFN XXXADelivery: Hybrid