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CSP Course Reviews

Concordia University Saint Paul

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ED 7002HR for Principals00000
ED 348Second Language Acquisition00000
ED 344The Effective Teacher00000
ED 290Language and Society00000
ED 7091Leadership and Scholarship Coaching II00000
ED 7070Ethical Leadership00000
ED 7063Leadership and Scholarship IV00000
ED 7057Adult Learning Theories and Foundations00000
ED 7053Qualitative Research Methods00000
ED 7046Leadership and Scholarship III00000
ED 7043Leadership Exemplars00000
ED 7037Superintendents And The Facilitation Of Change00000
ED 7032Hr Issues For Superintendents00000
ED 7006Legal Issues for Principals00000
ED 355Teaching Grades 9-12 Communication Arts / Literature00000
ED 582Ethics for Educators00000
ED 555Content and Methods for Teaching K-6 Art and Music00000
ED 551Content and Methods for Teaching K-6 Science00000
ED 548Content and Methods of K-6 Literacy I00000
ED 544Field Experience I00000
ED 537Inclusion in Diverse Classrooms00000
ED 521Educational Research and Applications00000
ED 516Family Systems for Educators00000
ED 511Capstone: Non-CFLE00000
ED 507Diversity in Education00000
ED 485Assessment of ESL Learners00000
ED 476Teaching Grades 5-8 Social Studies00000
ED 472Student Teaching00000
ED 550Content and Methods for Teaching K-6 Mathematics00000
ED 7084Research Design00000
ED 7068Solutions Based Leadership00000
ED 7062Dissertation00000
ED 7056Elective Research Methods00000
ED 7052Quantitative Research Methods00000
ED 7047Influences and Assessment of Public Policy00000
ED 7042Human Resource Management in Today's 21st Century Organizati...00000
ED 7038Ethics and Interpersonal Effectiveness for Superintendents00000
ED 7031Superintendent Leadership in 21st Century School Districts00000
ED 7005Principals and the Facilitation of Change00000
ED 7001Principal Leadership in 21st Century Schools00000
ED 560Clinical Experience and Professional Foundations K-600000
ED 554Curriculum & Instruction00000
ED 446Teaching Elementary Music00000
ED 546Field Experience III00000
ED 539Legal and Legislative Issues00000
ED 535Introduction to Teaching Children00000
ED 514Psychology of Learning and Teaching in Schools00000
ED 510Capstone: CFLE00000
ED 502Educational Issues00000
ED 481Introduction to Developmental Adapted Physical Education00000
ED 477Teaching Grades 5-8 Communication Arts and Literature00000
ED 470Health Education for Teachers00000
ED 447Teaching Elementary Art00000
ED 390S.E.A.T. Seminar00000
ED 360Content & Mthd for K-6 Mathema00000
ED 7048Organizational Theory00000
ED 475Teaching 5-8 Mathematics00000
ED 454Teaching the Faith00000
ED 439The Inclusive Classroom00000
ED 389Instr Stragies Eng Learners00000
ED 357Teaching Elementary Social Studies00000
ED 353Teaching 9-12 Science00000
ED 346The Effective Middle School Teacher00000
ED 335Methods in Teaching Middle School and Secondary Physical Edu...00000
ED 202Critical Dispositions for Teachers00000
ED 7082Research Development00000
ED 7065Quantitative Research Methods00000
ED 7058Strategies for Adult Learning00000
ED 7054Written Comps00000
ED 478Teaching 5-8 Science00000
ED 7044Leading Change in Today's Organizations00000
ED 7040Leadership and Scholarship I00000
ED 7033Legal Issues for Superintendents00000
ED 7007Finance and Business Management for Principals00000
ED 7003Principal's Role in Instructional Supervision00000
ED 590Conducting Research and Completing the Capstone00000
ED 553Content and Methods for Teaching K-6 Social Studies00000
ED 448Teaching Methods for Elementary/Middle School Movement Educa...00000
ED 410Health Methods and Strategies00000
ED 356Teaching Elementary Science and Environmental Education00000
ED 352Teaching Grades 9-12 Social Studies00000
ED 345The Effective Elementary Teacher00000
ED 336Educational Psychology00000
ED 7035Data Use and Analysis for Superintendents00000
ED 382Foundations for Instructional Strategies for English Learner...00000
ED 351Teaching Grades 9-12 Mathematics00000
ED 347The Effective Secondary Teacher00000
ED 342Teaching Literacy00000
ED 334Methods Tchg Elem Physical Ed00000
ED 201Foundations of and Introduction to Education00000
ED 7083Qualitative Research Methods00000
ED 7067Organizational Resource Management00000
ED 7061Written Dissertation Proposal00000
ED 7055Doctorate Field Experience/Research00000
ED 7051Overview of Research Methodology00000
ED 7045Advanced Leadership Ethics00000
ED 7041Leadership and Scholarship II00000
ED 330Human Diversity and Relations00000
ED 7008Ethics and Interpersonal Effectiveness for Principals00000
ED 7004Data Use and Analysis for Principals00000
ED 591Completing Thesis-Option Capstone00000
ED 558Content and Methods of K-6 Literacy II00000
ED 552Content and Methods for Teaching K-6 Health and Movement00000
ED 549Effective Teaching00000
ED 545Field Experience II00000
ED 543Introduction to Field Experience: Instructional Strategies00000
ED 517Research and Academic Writing00000
ED 512Ethical Issues for Professional Educators00000
ED 508Legal and Ethical Issues in Education00000
ED 487Reading Across the Content Areas00000