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CSUB Course Reviews

California State University, Bakersfield

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 3100Art in the Elementary Classroom00000
ART 4040Professional Practices00000
ART 4100Crafts in Art Education00000
ART 4300Advanced Studio Topics: 3D00000
ART 4700Special Studies In Art00000
ART 1009Practice and Appreciation of the Visual Arts00000
ART 22002D Foundation in Painting and Drawing00000
ART 2220Digital Imaging Foundation00000
ART 24004D Foundation Time Based Art00000
ART 2608Survey of Art (1400-Present)00000
ART 4020Visiting Artist00000
ART 3210Painting00000
ART 3230Photography00000
ART 3310Ceramics00000
ART 3410Animation00000
ART 4058Senior Project and Exhibition00000
ART 4200Advanced Studio Topics: 2D00000
ART 4400Advanced Studio Topics: 4D00000
ART 4908Senior Thesis00000
ART 3618Revolutionary Art of the 19th Century00000
ART 22102D Foundation in Design and Printmaking00000
ART 23003D Foundation00000
ART 2508Survey of Art (Pre-history to 1400)00000
ART 2708Art of the Americas00000
ART 3200Drawing00000
ART 3220Printmaking00000
ART 3300Sculpture00000
ART 3400Time Based Art00000
ART 3600Baroque and Rococo Art00000
ART 1019Art in Context00000
ART 3620Modern Art 1900-198000000
ART 3630Contemporary Directions in Art00000
ART 3648History of Photography00000
ART 3650Women in Visual Arts00000
ART 3660The Art of Asia00000
ART 3670Contemporary Art in Latin America00000
ART 4000Theories of Visual Arts00000
ART 4010Exhibition Design00000