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CSULA Course Reviews

California State University, Los Angeles

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 5980AMfa Directed Study00000
ART 5011Art History Seminar: Studies In Classical And European Art00000
ART 5013Art History Seminar: Studies in Modern and Contemporary Art00000
ART 5042Practice in Studio Art00000
ART 5070Perspectives on Visual Art, Aesthetics, and Culture00000
ART 5540Special Topics In Art00000
ART 5740Graduate Printmaking00000
ART 5950Mfa Professional Fieldwork In Art00000
ART 5951Directed Fieldwork In Art00000
ART 4960Advanced Animation00000
ART 5982Mfa Directed Study00000
ART 5991Thesis Project00000
ART 5995AMfa Project00000
ART 1013World Art: Baroque To Contemporary00000
ART 1500Survey and Studio: Introduction to Sculpture00000
ART 1590Survey and Studio: Introduction to Drawing00000
ART 2090Perspectives on Art and Cultural Diversity00000
ART 2112Fashion, Fiber, and Materials Studio: Surface00000
ART 4926Senior Capstone: Studio Arts00000
ART 4923Senior Project: Art History00000
ART 4920Capstone I: Preparation00000
ART 4880Advanced Illustration00000
ART 4760Early Christian And Byzantine Art00000
ART 4680Problems in Advanced Design00000
ART 4560Art Of The Ancient Andes00000
ART 4500Art Of Colonial Mexico And Guatemala00000
ART 4450Advertising Art Direction00000
ART 4340Advanced Painting Processes00000
ART 4260Modern Art00000
ART 4180Design Business Practices00000
ART 4130Typography II00000
ART 4114Fashion, Fiber, And Materials Studio: Critical Design00000
ART 4060Ancient Near Eastern Art00000
ART 4140Advanced Painting00000
ART 5992Mfa Project00000
ART 5981Graduate Directed Study00000
ART 4950Fieldwork00000
ART 4925Senior Capstone: Graphic Design/Visual Communication00000
ART 4922Art Education00000
ART 4911Global Contemporary Art00000
ART 4820Photographic Manipulations And Extensions00000
ART 4750Visual Arts & Human Development00000
ART 4600Multicultural Vis Arts00000
ART 4541Special Topics in Art00000
ART 4530Aztec Art and Culture00000
ART 4470The Art Of Mesoamerica And The Southwest00000
ART 4311Arts Of Asia: Iran And India00000
ART 4220Interactive Design II00000
ART 4170Advanced Ceramic Processes00000
ART 4010Proseminar: Critical Theories In The Visual Arts00000
ART 4115Mapping Fashion, Fiber, and Materials00000
ART 4080Graphic Design II00000
ART 4030Critical Theory In Fashion, Fiber And Materials00000
ART 3900Art and Design in the Community00000
ART 3830Digital Modeling00000
ART 3780Art and Motion00000
ART 3700The Art And Its Social Impact Of Music Videos00000
ART 3560Written Expression in Arts00000
ART 3170Visual Arts in Urban Contexts00000
ART 3130Typography I00000
ART 3100Portfolio For Fashion, Fiber And Materials00000
ART 3050Soft Technology00000
ART 2440Intro to Life Composition00000
ART 2330Color Theory and Perception00000
ART 2140Body, Appearance and Adornment00000
ART 4360Renaissance Art00000
ART 4000Teaching Methods for Elementary Education: Art00000
ART 4040Advanced Fashion, Fiber And Materials00000
ART 4110Greek And Roman Art00000
ART 4120Advanced Ceramic Art00000
ART 4160Medieval Art00000
ART 4190Typography III00000
ART 4210Baroque Art00000
ART 4290Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 3880Illustration00000
ART 4490Video For Artists00000
ART 4540Special Topics in Art00000
ART 4570Mexican Muralism And Frida Kahlo00000
ART 4740Printmaking: Drypoint, Woodcut and Monoprints00000
ART 4810African Art00000
ART 4870Advanced Photography00000
ART 4910Art Since 194500000
ART 4921Capstone Animation Project00000
ART 3810Experimental Animation00000
ART 3740Intermediate Painting00000
ART 3640Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 3410Modern To Contemporary History Of Fashion, Fiber And Materia...00000
ART 3160Foundations Of Art00000
ART 3113Fashion, Fiber, And Materials Studio: Form00000
ART 3080Graphic Design I00000
ART 2870Introduction to Photographic Processes00000
ART 2400Art And Life Perspectives00000
ART 2200Concept Development00000
ART 2120Technology I In Fashion, Fiber And Materials00000
ART 2100Introduction to Fashion, Fiber and Materials00000
ART 1800Digital Art Fundamentals00000
ART 1520Survey and Studio: Introduction to Ceramics00000
ART 1030Two-Dimensional Art Fundamentals00000
ART 1011World Art History I: Ancient to Gothic00000
ART 3870Color and Digital Photography00000
ART 3800Two-Dimensional Animation00000
ART 3760Story and Visualization00000
ART 3600Visual & Critical Studies in Contemporary Art & Design00000
ART 3220Interactive Desing I00000
ART 3140Intermediate Sculpture00000
ART 3110Social Engagement With Fashion, Fiber, and Materials00000
ART 3070Intermediate Ceramic Art00000
ART 2800World Animation History00000
ART 2370History of Design00000
ART 2130Historic Survey Of Fashion, Fiber And Materials00000
ART 2111Fashion, Fiber, And Materials Studio: Structure00000
ART 1810Digital Design Tools II00000
ART 1550Survey and Studio: Introduction to Painting00000
ART 1090Three-Dimensional Art Fundamentals00000
ART 1012World Art History II: Renaissance to Contemporary00000
ART 5995Project00000
ART 5990Thesis00000
ART 5980Graduate Directed Study00000
ART 5952Mfa Professional Fieldwork In Art00000
ART 5950ADirected Fieldwork In Art00000
ART 5940Graduate Animation00000
ART 5541Special Topics in Art00000
ART 5310Research Methodologies In Art00000
ART 5160Professional Development: Art and Design in Higher Education00000
ART 5060Graduate Studio: Fashion, Fiber And Materials00000
ART 5022Seminar: Visual Arts00000
ART 5012Art History Seminar: Art Of Changing Eras00000
ART 4990Undergraduate Directed Study00000
ART 4940Three-Dimensional Animation00000
ART 4924Senior Capstone: Fashion, Fiber and Materials00000