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ANTH 147

Peoples of Southeast Asia

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Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting

Prof: Michelle Roberts / Fall 2021

Dec 9, 2021

Comments on the course

We get between 4-6 quizzes weekly based on long films and long articles. It's a time consuming class since the quizzes was not easy at all. Finish a 300 page novel in 1 month soon after class begins. No final, no midterm, a long paper due a month before the semester ends. On top of the weekly quiz there's 3 big quizzes graded heavily to replace finals and midterm and the time given to complete it was not enough. It was alot of work! But there's extra credit closer to the last few weeks.

Course Content

Useful and can learn alot about religion and culture in SEA, but will I take it again? Maybe if I only had 2 classes, then it would be much more enjoyable.

Comments on the professor

Talk to her politely with correct grammar usage even through emails coz you might never see a reply if it's in text language or if you start off with "hey"!


Poor time management skills will possibly get you an F. She's very strict on grammar and has high expectations for her students. Make sure you triple check your grammar for the fieldwork project! Alot of points will be deducted due to poor grammar

Delivery: OnlineGrade: C+Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Quiz HeavyEssay Heavy

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