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CSUS Course Reviews

California State University, Sacramento

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 212Contemporary Art00000
ART 97Beginning Electronic Art00000
ART 60Two-Dimensional Composition00000
ART 53Beginning Hand-Built Ceramics00000
ART 40DBasic Printmaking: Relief00000
ART 20ABeginning Drawing00000
ART 5Art of the Americas00000
ART 2History of Islamic Art00000
ART 1AArt, Religions, and Power before 140000000
ART 500Culminating Experience00000
ART 298New Media 200000
ART 289Sculpture Studio00000
ART 249Graphics/Printmaking Studio00000
ART 102Themes in World Art and Visual Culture00000
ART 206Art Theory and Criticism00000
ART 197Intermediate Electronic Art00000
ART 194BFA Senior Project00000
ART 192CSenior Seminar In Art Education00000
ART 187Installation and Performance Art00000
ART 180Figure Sculpture00000
ART 176Advanced Jewelry00000
ART 159Ceramics Studio00000
ART 149Graphics/Printmaking Studio00000
ART 146Creative Coding00000
ART 1433D Computer Animation00000
ART 1423D Computer Modeling00000
ART 299Special Problems00000
ART 283Graduate Sculpture00000
ART 229Painting/Drawing Studio00000
ART 199Special Problems00000
ART 196UIntroduction to Curatorial Studies00000
ART 193Art Gallery Management00000
ART 192ASenior Seminar in Studio Art00000
ART 183Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 179Small Metals Studio00000
ART 175Intermediate Metalsmithing00000
ART 153Hand-Built Ceramic Techniques00000
ART 147Video Art00000
ART 140Intermediate Printmaking00000
ART 137Art for Exceptional Children00000
ART 133Art Education for Children00000
ART 129Painting/Drawing Studio00000
ART 127Collage and Assemblage00000
ART 122AIntermediate Painting00000
ART 120Advanced Drawing00000
ART 117BArt of China and Japan00000
ART 116Topics in Modern and Contemporary Art00000
ART 113BAsian Art and Mythology00000
ART 110US and Caribbean Art: Race and Representation00000
ART 107Baroque and Rococo Art00000
ART 114Topics in Early Modern Art00000
ART 195Fieldwork00000
ART 192BSenior Seminar in Art History00000
ART 189Sculpture Studio00000
ART 182Intermediate Sculpture00000
ART 178BPublic Art Studio00000
ART 174Intermediate Jewelry00000
ART 150Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 145Advanced Printmaking Studio00000
ART 125ALife Painting00000
ART 122BAdvanced Painting00000
ART 119Directed Research in Art History00000
ART 117CArt of Korea00000
ART 198Advanced Electronic Art00000
ART 111Latin American and Latino Art History00000
ART 10819th Century Art00000
ART 105Medieval Art00000
ART 101Photography, Inception To Mid-Century00000
ART 88Beginning Sculpture00000
ART 75Beginning Metalsmithing00000
ART 70Form, Space Vision00000
ART 40Beginning Printmaking00000
ART 20BIntermediate Drawing00000
ART 7Introduction to Art and Visual Culture00000
ART 3ATraditional Asian Art00000
ART 103Art of the Ancient Mediterranean00000
ART 135Overview of Secondary Art Education00000
ART 130Theories in Art Education00000
ART 128Art and the Artist in the Marketplace00000
ART 123Figure Drawing00000
ART 121BFA Junior Studio00000
ART 118CPublic Art in the Americas00000
ART 117AArt of India and Southeast Asia00000
ART 115Topics in Asian Art00000
ART 112Contemporary Art00000
ART 109Modern Art00000
ART 106Renaissance Art00000
ART 1BArt, Empires, and Cross-Cultural Exchange, 1400-180000000
ART 100Origins Of American Indian Art00000
ART 86Clay Sculpture00000
ART 74Beginning Jewelry00000
ART 50Beginning Ceramics00000
ART 22Beginning Painting00000
ART 3BModern and Contemporary Asian Art00000
ART 1CGlobal Modern and Contemporary Art00000
ART 599Culminating Exp/Cont Enrollmen00000
ART 297New Media 100000
ART 259Ceramics Studio00000
ART 222Studio Critique Seminar00000