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CSUS Course Reviews

California State University, Sacramento

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSAD 111Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism00000
CSAD 125Developmental and Acquired Neurogenic Language Disorders Acr...00000
CSAD 130Introduction to Audiology00000
CSAD 143Communication Disorders in Multicultural Populations00000
CSAD 146Introduction to Clinical Issues and Methods00000
CSAD 199Special Problems00000
CSAD 218Motor Speech Disorders00000
CSAD 222Curriculum in Relation to Language -- Learning Disabilities...00000
CSAD 228ASpeech Sound Disorders: Concepts and Methods00000
CSAD 229BPractice: Speech Disorders II00000
CSAD 241SPractice: Hearing Screenings00000
CSAD 243CPractice: Language Disorders III00000
CSAD 243BPractice: Language Disorders II00000
CSAD 245Practice: Speech -- Language Assessment00000
CSAD 295MInternship: Speech-Language Pathology in a Medical Setting00000
CSAD 299Special Problems00000
CSAD 500TCulminating Experience: Thesis00000
CSAD 611Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory and Vestibular System...00000
CSAD 620CAudiology Clinic II00000
CSAD 621Research Methods in Audiology00000
CSAD 623Disorders of the Auditory System00000
CSAD 110Physics of Sound and Phonetics00000
CSAD 123Voice and Fluency00000
CSAD 127Introduction to Medical Speech Pathology00000
CSAD 142Topics in Autism Spectrum Disorders00000
CSAD 148Research in Speech - Language Pathology and Audiology00000
CSAD 221Neurogenic Language Disorders00000
CSAD 227Dysphagia and the Medical Setting00000
CSAD 228CMethods: Speech Disorders III00000
CSAD 229APractice: Speech Disorders I00000
CSAD 242CMethods: Language Disorders III00000
CSAD 242AMethods: Language Disorders I & Professional Writing-Field o...00000
CSAD 250Speech/Language Internships Seminar00000
CSAD 295SInternship: Special Class Authorization Eligibility00000
CSAD 610Introduction to Clinic00000
CSAD 613Instrumentation in audiology00000
CSAD 620Clinical Methods: Communicating with Patients00000
CSAD 622LAmplification I Lab00000
CSAD 112Language Science and Development00000
CSAD 126Speech Sound Development and Disorders in Children: Aspects...00000
CSAD 133Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation00000
CSAD 145Supervised Field Observations00000
CSAD 147Assessment Procedures00000
CSAD 217AAC and Assistive Technologies00000
CSAD 219Counseling Techniques for Speech Pathologists and Audiologis...00000
CSAD 223Advanced Seminar in Child Language Disorders00000
CSAD 228BVoice and Fluency: Concepts and Methods00000
CSAD 229CPractice: Speech Disorders III00000
CSAD 242BMethods: Language Disorders II00000
CSAD 243APractice: Language Disorders I00000
CSAD 244Methods: Speech -- Language Assessment00000
CSAD 295IInternship: Speech-Language and Hearing Services in Schools...00000
CSAD 295PInternship: Speech-Language Pathology in Private Practice00000
CSAD 500CCulminating Experience: Comprehensive Exam00000
CSAD 612Acoustics and Psychoacoustics00000
CSAD 614Audiologic Evaluation00000
CSAD 622Amplification I00000
CSAD 624Genetics for Audiology00000