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CSUS Course Reviews

California State University, Sacramento

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOL 130Oceanography55431
GEOL 105Paleontology00000
GEOL 188Advanced Geologic Mapping00000
GEOL 198BSenior Research Project00000
GEOL 199CAdvanced Special Problems00000
GEOL 202Aqueous Geochemistry00000
GEOL 218Applied Geophysics00000
GEOL 240Special Topics00000
GEOL 299Special Problems in Geology00000
GEOL 596Comprehensive Examination00000
GEOL 5Geology Of Mexico00000
GEOL 8Earth Science00000
GEOL 10LPhysical Geology Lab00000
GEOL 12Historical Geology00000
GEOL 101Optical Mineralogy00000
GEOL 170Age of Dinosaurs00000
GEOL 111AField Geology00000
GEOL 114Volcanology00000
GEOL 121Geology of California00000
GEOL 125Metallic Ore Deposits00000
GEOL 150Computer Mapping in Geology00000
GEOL 184Geological Field Trip00000
GEOL 193CEngineering Geology00000
GEOL 199ABeginning Special Problems00000
GEOL 200Graduate Research Methods Seminar00000
GEOL 213Advanced Structural Geology and Tectonics00000
GEOL 227Advanced Hydrogeology00000
GEOL 290Regional Geology of the Western US00000
GEOL 208Groundwater Modeling00000
GEOL 8LEarth Science Lab00000
GEOL 11Digital Methods in Geoscience00000
GEOL 100Earth Materials - Rocks and Minerals00000
GEOL 103Sedimentology/Stratigraphy00000
GEOL 110AStructural Geology and Tectonics00000
GEOL 112Geophysics For Geologists00000
GEOL 120Surficial Processes00000
GEOL 126Environmental Field Methods00000
GEOL 132Marine Geology00000
GEOL 177Hawaii Volcanic Field Trip00000
GEOL 189Geology Colloquium00000
GEOL 198ASenior Research Preparation00000
GEOL 199BIntermediate Special Problems00000
GEOL 7Natural Disasters00000
GEOL 220Surficial Processes00000
GEOL 275Quantitative and Numerical Research Methods00000
GEOL 500Master's Thesis00000
GEOL 8TEarth Science Lab for Teachers00000
GEOL 10Physical Geology00000
GEOL 12LHistorical Geology Lab00000
GEOL 102Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEOL 110BStructural Geology Field00000
GEOL 111BField Techniques00000
GEOL 115Volcanoes: An Introduction00000
GEOL 123Geochemistry00000
GEOL 127Hydrogeology00000
GEOL 140Geology and the Environment00000