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CSUS Course Reviews

California State University, Sacramento

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 166Popular Culture54551
HIST 165American Environmental History53551
HIST 107History of the Physical Sciences42531
HIST 282ZSpecial Topics in Public History00000
HIST 124BEuropean Warfare from the French Revolution to the Present00000
HIST 295History Internship00000
HIST 400The Teaching of History in College00000
HIST 4Survey of Early Western Civilization00000
HIST 8History of Islamic Civilizations00000
HIST 17BUnited States History, 1877-Present00000
HIST 50HWorld History I: to 150000000
HIST 51World History from 1500 to the Present.00000
HIST 102BCulture and Language in Modern Greece, 1909-Present00000
HIST 104AAncient Science00000
HIST 110The Ancient Near East: A Cultural History00000
HIST 113Early Medieval Europe00000
HIST 115The Renaissance and Reformation in Europe00000
HIST 118BWorld War II: Causes, Conduct, Consequences00000
HIST 122AHistory of Women in Western Civilization, Prehistory-Middle...00000
HIST 127Evolution of Christianity Since the Reformation00000
HIST 193Public History00000
HIST 170ASports in American History00000
HIST 171BAmerican Indian History since 184000000
HIST 175BHealth, Death and Disease in America00000
HIST 177The African-American Experience, 1603-Present00000
HIST 180American Legal History00000
HIST 183ACalifornia History, 1542-186000000
HIST 186CSacramento History00000
HIST 192ASeminar in Recent Interpretations of United States History00000
HIST 282DMuseum Studies00000
HIST 195BAdvanced History Internship00000
HIST 196AThe Ottoman Empire00000
HIST 197CSenior Research Seminar: Public History00000
HIST 199Special Problems00000
HIST 202Interpreting U.S. History00000
HIST 209CResearch and Writing in World History00000
HIST 280BReading Seminar in Ancient or Medieval European History00000
HIST 281CReading Seminar in Modern US History00000
HIST 198Summative Assessment for Teachers00000
HIST 183BCalifornia History, 1860-197000000
HIST 187Topics in United States History 1600-190000000
HIST 190Clio: Editing and Publishing in History00000
HIST 192CSeminar in Recent Interpretations of Asian History00000
HIST 192BSeminar in Recent Interpretations of European History00000
HIST 195AHistory Internship00000
HIST 195THistory Pre-credential Internship00000
HIST 197BSenior Research Seminar: World History00000
HIST 181Anarchists and Revolutionaries: Transnational Radicalism in...00000
HIST 201Interpreting World History00000
HIST 209AResearch and Writing in US History00000
HIST 280AReading Seminar in African or Asian History00000
HIST 281BReading Seminar in Nineteenth Century US History00000
HIST 282EHistoric Preservation00000
HIST 282BArchives and Manuscripts00000
HIST 290Clio: Editing and Publishing in History00000
HIST 299Special Problems00000
HIST 153Civil War and Reconstruction, 1840-189000000
HIST 129AMedieval Russia00000
HIST 131History of Sexuality in Comparative Perspective00000
HIST 134The Rise and Fall of European Colonial Empires00000
HIST 136Spanish Civil War00000
HIST 137ALatin American Revolutions in the Twentieth Century00000
HIST 143BThe Modern Middle East00000
HIST 146ACultural History of Japan to 180000000
HIST 149The Making of Modern Southeast Asia00000
HIST 162Social History of the United States00000
HIST 15520th Century United States, 1941-Present00000
HIST 160The United States in Vietnam, 1940-197500000
HIST 163The City in US History00000
HIST 167History of American Women00000
HIST 171AAmerican Indian History to 184000000
HIST 173The History of the Civil Rights Movement: From Reconstructio...00000
HIST 175ASex, Population, and Birth Control in America00000
HIST 178Mexican-American History00000
HIST 174AHistory of Disability in the United States00000
HIST 143COttoman State and Society00000
HIST 146BModern Japan, 1800-present00000
HIST 151The Age of the American Revolution00000
HIST 15420th Century United States, 1890-194000000
HIST 159History of US Foreign Relations00000
HIST 161The American Vision00000
HIST 169Hollywood and America00000
HIST 172LGBTQ Histories00000
HIST 142History of Women in Africa00000
HIST 176African Cultural Heritage in the Americas00000
HIST 179American Immigration History00000
HIST 182American West00000
HIST 186AThe California Gold Rush00000
HIST 189California Dreamin': A Cultural History of California since...00000
HIST 191Seminar in Historical Interpretation and Analysis00000
HIST 192ZSeminar in Recent Interpretations of a Special Topic00000
HIST 194Oral History: Theory and Practice00000
HIST 114Europe in the High Middle Ages00000
HIST 7History of African Civilizations00000
HIST 15HMajor Problems in U.S. History00000
HIST 21First Year Seminar: Becoming an Educated Person00000
HIST 51HWorld History from 1500 to the Present00000
HIST 102ACulture and Language in Modern Greece, 1821-190900000
HIST 105Great Ages and Issues in Modern European History00000
HIST 108Ancient Egypt: History & Culture00000
HIST 111Ancient Greece00000
HIST 195History Internship00000
HIST 121Democracy and Human Rights in the Era of the French Revoluti...00000
HIST 124AWarfare: Alexander to Napoleon00000
HIST 128BTudor and Stuart England, 1485-171400000
HIST 129CTwentieth Century Russia00000
HIST 132Topics In World History00000
HIST 135BRevolutionary and Modern Mexico00000
HIST 137BLatin American History in Film00000
HIST 138AColonial Latin America00000
HIST 133Twentieth-Century World History00000
HIST 109History of Modern Greece00000
HIST 112Ancient Rome00000
HIST 116Europe, 1648-1815, The Age of Revolution00000
HIST 122BHistory of Women in Western Civilization, Renaissance-Presen...00000
HIST 123The Crusades00000
HIST 126Evolution of Christianity to the Reformation00000
HIST 129BImperial Russia00000
HIST 130The Fall Of Communism00000
HIST 106Everyday Life and Society in Antiquity00000
HIST 135AHistory Of Mexico To 191000000
HIST 138BModern and Contemporary Latin America00000
HIST 141History of Africa Since 180000000
HIST 143AMiddle Eastern History to 180000000
HIST 146CThe History of Manga00000
HIST 150Colonial America00000
HIST 152Young Republic, 1790-184000000
HIST 156The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage00000
HIST 282AResearch Seminar in Public History00000
HIST 196BClio: Editing and Publishing in History00000
HIST 197ASenior Research Seminar: United States History00000
HIST 200History and Theory00000
HIST 203Public History Principles and Techniques00000
HIST 280ZReading Seminar: Topics in World History00000
HIST 281ZReading Seminar: Topics in United States History00000
HIST 281AReading Seminar in Colonial or Early US History00000
HIST 282FHistory and Memory00000
HIST 5Survey of Modern Western Civilization00000
HIST 297Advanced Internship00000
HIST 500Culminating Experience00000
HIST 6Asian Civilizations00000
HIST 10History's Mysteries: Thinking Critically about the Past00000
HIST 17AUnited States History, 1607-187700000
HIST 50World Civilizations, Beginnings-160000000
HIST 100Introduction to Historical Skills00000
HIST 103Mediterranean Europe: From the Renaissance to the European U...00000