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Cu Denver Course Reviews

University of Colorado Denver

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 2220Biological Basis of Behavior45551
PSYC 3222Principles of Learning and Behavior33231
BUSN 6620Applied Economics for Managers53551
BUSN 6520Leading Individuals and Teams44551
BUSN 6530Data Analytics for Managers43341
BIOL 3445Introduction to Evolution55541
BUSN 6540Legal and Ethical Environment of Business43551
PSYC 2090Statistics and Research Methods55341
BUSN 6550Analyzing and Interpreting Accounting Information43341
ANTH 5000Special Topics in Anthropology00000
ANAT 62103D Animation for Anatomy00000
ANTH 5580Neanderthals and the Origin of Modern Humans00000
ANTH 4570Landscape Archaeology00000
AMBA 6291Strategy in Practice00000
ANTH 5330Lithic Analysis00000
ACCT 6400Taxation of C Corporations and Shareholders00000
ANTH 6103Current Theory in Ethnography00000
ANAT 6600Experimental Design and Research Methods00000
ANTP 5200Women Health & Culture00000
ARAB 1010Beginning Arabic I00000
ACCT 6032Intermediate Financial Accounting II00000
ACCT 6939Internship/Cooperative Education00000
ANEQ 6760Molecular Approach to Food Safety00000
ARCH 2110Design Studio I00000
ARCH 3330Building Systems I00000
AGRI 6950Independent Study - Agriculture00000
ANTH 1302Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 4400Archaeology of Power and Inequality00000
AMBA 6271Supply Chain Management00000
ANTH 4810Integrating Anthropology00000
ACCT 6340Financial Statement Analysis00000
ANTH 5230Anthropology and Community Based Participatory Research00000
AMBA 6330Introduction to Business Consulting for MBAs00000
ANTH 5440Museums in the 21st Century00000
ACCT 6020Auditing Theory00000
ANTH 5840Independent Study00000
ANAT 6330Human Embryology00000
ANTH 6513Biological Anthropology Core: Modern Human Variation00000
ACCT 6480Partnership Taxation00000
ANTP 5450Global Mental Health - Theory and Method00000
ANAT 6911Advanced Teaching Practicum00000
ARAB 2840Independent Study00000
ACCT 4370International Accounting00000
ARCH 3110Design Studio II00000
ANES 8100ANES Elective Away00000
ARCH 3430Construction Practices: Building Envelope00000
ACCT 6070Intermediate Cost Accounting00000
ANTH 2102Culture and the Human Experience00000
AMBA 6201Leading in Organizations00000
ANTH 3000Globalization, Migration and Transnationalism00000
ANTH 3101Foundations of Cultural Anthropology00000
ACCT 4420Taxation of Business Entities00000
ACCT 6140Fundamentals of Federal Income Tax00000
AMBA 6210Data Analytics I00000
ANTH 3142Cultural Diversity in the Modern World00000
ANTH 3315North American Archaeology00000
AMBA 6220Business Law00000
ANTH 3320Southwestern Archaeology00000
ANTH 4330Lithic Analysis00000
AMBA 6261Applied Macroeconomics00000
ANTH 4450Development And Conservation: Contemporary Issues00000
ACCT 6285Accounting and Finance for Sustainability00000
ANTH 4600Medical Anthropology00000
AMBA 6281Finance Management II00000
ANTH 4880Directed Research00000
ACCT 4800Accounting for Government and Nonprofit Organizations00000
ANTH 5090Drug Syndemic00000
AMBA 6310International Business Abroad00000
ANTH 5300Migrant Health00000
ACCT 6370International Accounting00000
ANTH 5380Archaeology of Hunters-Gatherers00000
ANAT 6111Human Gross Anatomy00000
ANTH 5500Advanced Issues in Human Evolution00000
ACCT 4054Accounting Information Systems00000
ANTH 5800Special Topics in Medical Anthropology00000
ANAT 6310Neuroanatomy00000
ANTH 5995Travel Study00000
ACCT 6442Accounting: Professional Research and Communications00000
ANTH 6317Archaeological Research Design and Analysis00000
ANAT 6490Advanced Teaching in Anatomical Sciences00000
ANTH 6950Master's Thesis00000
ACCT 6025Auditing Practice00000
ANTP 5380Food, Hunger and Culture00000
ANAT 6840Independent Study00000
ANTP 6950Independent Study: Anthropology00000
ACCT 6520Issues in Oil and Gas Accounting00000
ARAB 2110Intermediate Arabic I00000
ANAT 6950MSMHA Capstone Project00000
ARCH 1110Introduction to Architecture00000
ACCT 3220Intermediate Financial Accounting I00000
ARCH 2121Design Studio II - Foundational00000
ANES 8001Surgery Intensive Care AI00000
ARCH 3130Construction Practices: Material and Structural Systems00000
AGRI 5460Principles of Cooperative Extension00000
ANTH 3512Human Evolution00000
ACCT 6220Controllership: Financial Strategy And Controls00000
AMBA 6231Management Accounting00000
ANTH 3666Anthropology of Death00000
ANTH 4000Special Topics in Anthropology00000
AMBA 6241Marketing Strategy00000