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Cu Denver Course Reviews

University of Colorado Denver

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 2090Statistics and Research Methods55341
PSYC 3222Principles of Learning and Behavior33231
PSYC 2220Biological Basis of Behavior45551
PSYC 3415Experimental Social Psychology00000
PSYC 4939Internship00000
PSYC 3265Drugs, Brain and Behavior00000
PSYC 3262Health Psychology00000
PSYC 3145Industrial and Organizational Psychology00000
PSYC 1111First Year Seminar00000
PSYC 8990Doctoral Dissertation00000
PSYC 8550Advanced Social Psychology00000
PSYC 8100Clinical Behavioral Medicine00000
PSYC 7730Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology00000
PSYC 7700Clinical Research Methods00000
PSYC 7485Diversity in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 7360Psychotherapy II00000
PSYC 7220Advanced Biological Bases of Behavior00000
PSYC 6950Master's Thesis00000
PSYC 5939Internship00000
PSYC 8910Advanced Clinical Practicum00000
PSYC 7144Advanced Cognition and Emotion00000
PSYC 1000Introduction to Psychology I00000
PSYC 8502Cardiovascular Health Psychology00000
PSYC 8262Health Psychology II00000
PSYC 7910Clinical Practicum00000
PSYC 7710Multivariate Statistics00000
PSYC 7511Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology00000
PSYC 7490Topics in Health Psychology Summer Lecture Series00000
PSYC 7410Assessment I: Personality00000
PSYC 7262Health Psychology I00000
PSYC 3600Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC 6840Independent Study00000
PSYC 5840Independent Study: PSYC00000
PSYC 4880Directed Research00000
PSYC 4680Behavioral & Biomedical Sciences Research Seminar00000
PSYC 4455Theories of Personality00000
PSYC 4054Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSYC 3810Neuropsychology00000
PSYC 3612Domestic Abuse00000
PSYC 3832Neural Basis of Learning00000
PSYC 7420Assessment I: Intellectual and Cognitive Assessment00000
PSYC 7350Psychotherapy I00000
PSYC 7205Advanced Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 6930Clinical Internship00000
PSYC 5880Directed Research00000
PSYC 4780Behavioral & Biomedical Sciences Research: Ethics & Issues00000
PSYC 4511History of Psychology00000
PSYC 4164Psychology of Perception00000
PSYC 4090Research Design and Development00000
PSYC 7500Advanced Psychopathology00000
PSYC 3724Developmental Psychobiology00000
PSYC 3611Psychology of Women00000
PSYC 3460Military Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 3305Abnormal Psychology00000
PSYC 3263Hormones and Behavior00000
PSYC 3235Human Sexuality00000
PSYC 3205Human Development I: Child Psychology00000
PSYC 3090Research Methods in Psychology00000
PSYC 3254Introduction to Animal Behavior00000
PSYC 4485Psychology of Cultural Diversity00000
PSYC 4111Senior Seminar in Psychology: Career Capstone00000
PSYC 3939Internship00000
PSYC 3822Aging, Brain and Behavior00000
PSYC 3615Positive Psychology00000
PSYC 3505Psychology and the Law00000
PSYC 3405Family Psychology00000
PSYC 3264Exercise, Brain and Behavior00000
PSYC 4840Independent Study: PSYC00000
PSYC 3215Human Development II: Adolescence and Adulthood00000
PSYC 3144Human Cognition00000
PSYC 2205Lifespan Developmental Psychology for Health Majors00000
PSYC 1005Introduction to Psychology II00000
PSYC 8938Pre-Doctoral Internship00000
PSYC 8503Group Interventions in Health Psychology00000
PSYC 7911Clinical Practicum II00000
PSYC 7713Advanced Statistics00000