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CU Course Reviews

Cameron University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 5755Cultures of Expertise: Science, Power and Knowledge00000
ANTH 3010The Human Animal00000
ANTH 2525Environmental Anthropology00000
ANTH 2100Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 2030Laboratory in Biological Anthropology 100000
ANTH 1200Culture and Power00000
ANTH 1156Class and Consumption: Global Cultures of Inequality, Anxiet...00000
ANTH 1141Indigenous Imperialism on the Andes: The Inca Realm and its...00000
ANTH 1115The Caribbean in Post-Colonial Perspective00000
ANTH 7620Seminar: Ethnography and Cultural Theory00000
ANTH 7200Bridging Seminar00000
ANTH 7015Kinship: Being and Belonging00000
ANTH 5919Collections Research Practicum: Archaeology00000
ANTH 4020Explorations in Anthropology00000
ANTH 5730Latin American Politics and Culture through Film and Text00000
ANTH 5610Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 5500Cross-Cultural Aspects of Socioeconomic Development00000
ANTH 5460Archaeology and Contemporary Society00000
ANTH 5400Research Methods in Archaeology 200000
ANTH 5345Archaeological Theory00000
ANTH 5220From Olmec to Aztec: The Archaeology of Mexico00000
ANTH 5170Primate Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 5129Aegean Art and Archaeology00000
ANTH 5110Human Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 5020Explorations in Anthropology00000
ANTH 4760Ethnography of Southeast Asia and Indonesia00000
ANTH 5160Early Hominin Paleoecology00000
ANTH 7600Human Ecology: Cultural Aspects00000
ANTH 7030Seminar: Archaeology00000
ANTH 7000Seminar: Current Research Topics in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 5780Core Course-Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 5735Contemporary Cuban Culture: Race, Gender and Power00000
ANTH 5700Practicing Anthropology00000
ANTH 5605Anthropology of Neuroscience00000
ANTH 5470Collections Research Practicum in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 5455Epistomology in Archaeology00000
ANTH 5390Research Methods In Archaeology 100000
ANTH 5270Plains Archaeology00000
ANTH 5210Southwestern Archaeology00000
ANTH 4735Contemporary Cuban Culture: Race, Gender and Power00000
ANTH 5120Advanced Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 5060Nutrition And Anthropology00000
ANTH 4919Collections Research Practicum: Archaeology00000
ANTH 4755Cultures of Expertise: Science, Power and Knowledge00000
ANTH 4730Latin American Politics and Culture through Film and Text00000
ANTH 4700Practicing Anthropology00000
ANTH 4580The Holocaust: An Anthropological Perspective00000
ANTH 4465The Archaeology of Inequality00000
ANTH 4235Landscape Archaeology00000
ANTH 4180Anthropological Perspectives: Contemporary Issues00000
ANTH 4129Aegean Art and Archaeology00000
ANTH 4110Human Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 4125Evolution and the Human Life Cycle: A Primate Life History P...00000
ANTH 5070Methods in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 5000Quantitative Methods in Anthropology00000
ANTH 4800Language and Culture00000
ANTH 4745Science, Technology And Society00000
ANTH 4720Departmental Honors in Anthropology 200000
ANTH 4690Anthropology of Tibet00000
ANTH 4610Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 4525Global Islams00000
ANTH 4470Collections Research Practicum in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 4270Plains Archaeology00000
ANTH 4220From Olmec to Aztec: The Archaeology of Mexico00000
ANTH 4170Primate Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 5125Evolution and the Human Life Cycle: A Primate Life History P...00000
ANTH 4070Methods in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 4000Quantitative Methods in Anthropology00000
ANTH 3170America: An Anthropological Perspective00000
ANTH 3009Modern Issues, Ancient Times00000
ANTH 3000Primate Behavior00000
ANTH 2200The Archaeology of Human History00000
ANTH 2040Laboratory in Biological Anthropology 200000
ANTH 2010Introduction to Biological Anthropology 100000
ANTH 1170Exploring Culture and Gender through Film00000
ANTH 1155Exploring Global Cultural Diversity00000
ANTH 1145Exploring a Non-Western Culture: The Aztecs00000
ANTH 1135Exploring Cultural Diversity00000
ANTH 3005Dogs, Wolves And Human Evolution00000
ANTH 4710Departmental Honors in Anthropology 100000
ANTH 4615Kinship: Being and Belonging00000
ANTH 4605Anthropology of Neuroscience00000
ANTH 4500Cross-Cultural Aspects of Socioeconomic Development00000
ANTH 4390Research Methods In Archaeology I00000
ANTH 4224Archaeology of the Maya and Their Neighbors00000
ANTH 4210Southwestern Archaeology00000
ANTH 4160Early Hominin Paleoecology00000
ANTH 4120Advanced Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 4060Nutrition and Anthropology00000
ANTH 3300Elements Of Religion00000
ANTH 3119The Archaeology of Death00000
ANTH 1105Exploring a Non-Western Culture: Tibet00000
ANTH 2210Laboratory Course In Archaeological Methods00000
ANTH 2070Bones, Bodies, and Disease00000
ANTH 2020Human Biological Variation and Adaptation00000
ANTH 1190Origins of Ancient Civilizations00000
ANTH 1150Exploring a Non-Western Culture: Regional Cultures of Africa00000
ANTH 1140Exploring a Non-Western Culture: The Maya00000
ANTH 1120Exploring a Non-Western Culture: Pueblo Indians of the South...00000
ANTH 7300Seminar: Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 7020Seminar: Physical Anthropology00000
ANTH 6320Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 5785Advanced Seminar in Cultural Anthropology00000