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CU Course Reviews

Cameron University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 1013Art Appreciation55431
ART 2623History of Art II00000
ART 4433Adv Prntmkg II: Woodcut00000
ART 4543Adv Sculp III: Sp Pr Wld/Wd/Cl00000
ART 4713History of Graphic Design00000
ART 4921Ind Study: Adv Printmaking00000
ART 4991Senior Art Capstone/Exhibition00000
ART 1213Design I00000
ART 1231Computer-Studio Lab00000
ART 2253Computer Graphic Design00000
ART 2513Sculpture00000
ART 4383Adv Pntng: Tradl Watercolor00000
ART 3133Figure Drawing00000
ART 3743Adv Computer Graphics00000
ART 4213Advanced Graphic Design00000
ART 4343Adv Pain 3: Subj Mtr Explor00000
ART 4363Adv Paint 5:BFA Paint Thesis00000
ART 4393Adv Pntng: Cntmp Watercolor00000
ART 4483Adv Prntmkg VII: Lithography00000
ART 4633Hist of Art Sem:Contemp Art I00000
ART 4733Internship/Art Portfolio00000
ART 4923I/S:L Powell Gallery Interns00000
ART 4933Senior Art Studio00000
ART 2243Color00000
ART 2413Printmaking00000
ART 2733Illustration00000
ART 3753Layout/Production00000
ART 4323Adv. Paint 1: Trad Paint Tech00000
ART 4373Adv 6:BFA Paint Thesis Concl00000
ART 4423Advanced Printmaking I00000
ART 4523Adv Sculp I: Wldng/Asmblg/Carv00000
ART 4643Hist Art Sem: Mod Art Mvmnt00000
ART 4911WS:Marbling & Making Note Card00000
ART 1123Drawing II00000
ART 1113Drawing I00000
ART 1223Design II00000
ART 2313Painting00000
ART 2613History of Art I00000
ART 2743Typography00000
ART 3213Graphic Design00000
ART 4143Advanced Drawing00000
ART 4333Adv Pntng II: Cntpr Paint Tech00000
ART 4353Adv Pntng IV: Style Explrtn00000