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CU Course Reviews

Cameron University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 5202Graduate Painting00000
ARTS 2433Beginning Alternative Printmaking00000
ARTS 2403Beginning Intaglio00000
ARTS 2303Beginning Relief00000
ARTS 2191Photography 200000
ARTS 2126Digital Art 100000
ARTS 2022Beginning Drawing00000
ARTS 1212Painting for Non-Majors00000
ARTS 1012Drawing for Non-Majors00000
ARTS 5857Graduate Independent Study00000
ARTS 5607Art And Social Change00000
ARTS 5453Monotype 200000
ARTS 5413Graduate Lithography00000
ARTS 5246Graduate Beginning Video Production00000
ARTS 2504Basic Sculpture: Materials and Techniques00000
ARTS 5161Graduate Photography00000
ARTS 5118Visiting Artist Program00000
ARTS 5104Performance/Installation00000
ARTS 5095Special Topics in Ceramics00000
ARTS 5017Special Topics in Studio Arts00000
ARTS 4717Studio Critique00000
ARTS 4604Beyond the Studio: Post-Studio Art Practice00000
ARTS 4433Alternative Printmaking 200000
ARTS 4403Intaglio 200000
ARTS 4217Art and Race/Ethnicity00000
ARTS 4171New Directions in Photography00000
ARTS 4126Digital Art 200000
ARTS 4104Performance/Installation00000
ARTS 4303Relief 200000
ARTS 6957Master of Fine Arts Creative Thesis00000
ARTS 5717Graduate Studio Critique00000
ARTS 5504Graduate Sculpture00000
ARTS 5423Graduate Screen Printing00000
ARTS 5303Graduate Relief00000
ARTS 5176New Directions in Digital Art00000
ARTS 5154Metalsmithing 100000
ARTS 5117Graduate Art Seminar00000
ARTS 5097Special Topics-Non-Studio00000
ARTS 5024Public Art00000
ARTS 4641String Instrument Building00000
ARTS 4504Advanced Sculpture Studio00000
ARTS 4423Screen Printing 200000
ARTS 4085Ceramics 400000
ARTS 4202Advanced Painting/Portfolio00000
ARTS 4161Photography 400000
ARTS 4118Visiting Artist Program00000
ARTS 4097Special Topics-Non-Studio00000
ARTS 4024Public Art00000
ARTS 3937Internship00000
ARTS 3433Alternative Printmaking 100000
ARTS 3384Fleeting and Found 2: Ephemeral Sculpture 200000
ARTS 3284Nothing Flat 2: Project a Week (Sculpture and Post-Studio Pr...00000
ARTS 3124Intervention, Exchange, and Duration (Sculpture & Post-Studi...00000
ARTS 3085Ceramics 300000
ARTS 3017Special Topics in Studio Arts00000
ARTS 3413Lithography 100000
ARTS 5075Graduate Ceramics00000
ARTS 4934Art, Design, and Engineering: Thinking and Making00000
ARTS 4607Art And Social Change00000
ARTS 4453Monotype 200000
ARTS 4413Lithography 200000
ARTS 4246Beginning Video Production00000
ARTS 4176New Directions in Digital Art00000
ARTS 4154Metalsmithing 100000
ARTS 4117BFA Seminar00000
ARTS 4095Special Topics in Ceramics00000
ARTS 4017Special Topics in Studio Arts00000
ARTS 3714Experimental Structures (Sculpture And Post-Studio Practice)00000
ARTS 3604Beyond the Studio: Post-Studio Art Practice00000
ARTS 5107Special Topics00000
ARTS 3354Bend, Build, Burn: Sculpture in Wood00000
ARTS 3212Figure Painting00000
ARTS 3184Nothing Flat: Project a Week (Sculpture & Post-Studio Practi...00000
ARTS 3054Sculpture: Modules and Multiples 200000
ARTS 3012Figure Drawing00000
ARTS 2453Beginning Monotype00000
ARTS 2423Beginning Screenprinting00000
ARTS 2284Nothing Flat 1: Project a Week (Sculpture & Post-Studio Prac...00000
ARTS 2171Photography 100000
ARTS 2085Ceramics 2: Handbuilding00000
ARTS 1514Sculpture for Non-Majors00000
ARTS 1171Photography for Non-Majors00000
ARTS 2384Fleeting and Found 1: Ephemeral Sculpture 100000
ARTS 4004Land and Environmental Art (Sculpture and Post-Studio Practi...00000
ARTS 4002Advanced Drawing/Portfolio00000
ARTS 3847Independent Study00000
ARTS 3453Monotype 100000
ARTS 3423Screen Printing 100000
ARTS 3403Intaglio 100000
ARTS 3303Relief 100000
ARTS 3222Intermediate Painting00000
ARTS 3191Photography 300000
ARTS 3097Special Topics - Non-Studio00000
ARTS 3022Intermediate Drawing00000
ARTS 3004Land and Environmental Art (Sculpture and Post-Studio Practi...00000
ARTS 2413Beginning Lithography00000
ARTS 1010Introduction to Studio Art00000
ARTS 2222Beginning Painting00000
ARTS 2095Ceramics 2: Wheelthrowing00000
ARTS 1875Ceramics for Non-Majors00000
ARTS 1020Introduction to Studio Art 200000
ARTS 1003Printmaking for Non-Majors00000
ARTS 5934Art, Design, and Engineering: Thinking and Making00000
ARTS 5641String Instrument Building00000
ARTS 5433Alternative Printmaking 200000
ARTS 5403Graduate Intaglio00000
ARTS 5217Art and Race/Ethnicity00000
ARTS 5171New Directions in Photography00000
ARTS 5126Digital Art 200000