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CUA Course Reviews

Catholic University of America

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 215Ruins, Relics and Restoration of the Biblical Past00000
ANTH 341Health Society and Culture00000
ANTH 355Latinos and Latinas in the U.S.00000
ANTH 452Senior Capstone Workshop00000
ANTH 496Senior Thesis in Anthropology00000
ANTH 696Master's Thesis Research00000
ANTH 101Introduction to Anthropology: Cultural Competency in a Globa...00000
ANTH 110Speech and Experience:Anthropology of Language00000
ANTH 202Sex & Culture in Modern World00000
ANTH 208Excavating Theory: Interpretation in Archaeology00000
ANTH 324Cultural Heritage of Native Americans00000
ANTH 240Politics of the Past: An Introduction to Cultural Heritage S...00000
ANTH 290Legislating Heritage: Domestic Law and International Convent...00000
ANTH 334The Inca Empire Before and After the Conquest00000
ANTH 351Archaeological Field Techniques00000
ANTH 361Migration and Immigrant Communities00000
ANTH 493Student-Faculty Research00000
ANTH 498Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination00000
ANTH 698BMaster's Comprehensive Examination (w/o Classes)00000
ANTH 630Sacred Cities of the World00000
ANTH 200Core Perspectives in Anthropology00000
ANTH 204Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 213Humanitarian Intervention and Development00000
ANTH 217Migrants,Refugees and the Homeless00000
ANTH 254Ancient Cultures of South America00000
ANTH 322Lost Cities & Ancient Empires00000
ANTH 354Archaeology of Settlements & Landscapes00000
ANTH 371Anthropology of Contemporary Latin America; History, Ethnici...00000
ANTH 495Practicum/Internship in Anthropology00000
ANTH 105Human Evolution00000
ANTH 698AMaster's Comprehensive Examination (w/Classes)00000
ANTH 108Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 201Ethnographic Research Design and Conduct00000
ANTH 206Methods in Archaeology: Field, Lab and Artifact Studies00000
ANTH 214The Anthropology of Food00000
ANTH 230Sacred Cities of the World00000
ANTH 260Anthropology of Religion00000
ANTH 321Historical Archaeology00000