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CUA Course Reviews

Catholic University of America

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
IEDP 546Neuroeconomics00000
IEDP 697BProject Guidance II00000
IEDP 594Independent Study00000
IEDP 572Advanced Microeconomics00000
IEDP 556Business Enterprise and Development00000
IEDP 547Integral Economics Lab00000
IEDP 543Applied Econometrics I00000
IEDP 530Development and Practice Seminar I00000
IEDP 525Public Policy00000
IEDP 523Global Education and Community Development Policies00000
IEDP 510Foundations of an Ethical Integral Social and Economic Devel...00000
IEDP 698BMaster's Comprehensive Examination (w/o Classes)00000
IEDP 697AProject Guidance00000
IEDP 594SIndependent Study00000
IEDP 562Survey Design00000
IEDP 553Public Finance00000
IEDP 501Accounting Concepts and Applications00000
IEDP 540Integral Economic Development00000
IEDP 527Epidemiology and Public Policy00000
IEDP 522Development Aspects of Energy and Environment00000
IEDP 521Global Agriculture and Food Security00000
IEDP 502Grant Research and Writing for International Development00000
IEDP 698AMaster's Comprehensive Examination (w/Classes)00000
IEDP 595Internship00000
IEDP 571Advanced Macroeconomics00000
IEDP 552International Organizations and Development00000
IEDP 544Applied Econometrics II00000
IEDP 531Development and Practice Seminar II00000
IEDP 524Global Health for Development00000
IEDP 520The Politics of Development Policy00000
IEDP 503Career Placement Readiness Workshop00000