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CUA Course Reviews

Catholic University of America

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ITAL 498Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination00000
ITAL 489Research Seminar00000
ITAL 260Dangerous Beauty: Venice and its Treasures00000
ITAL 226Fascism, Racism, and War in Italian Literature00000
ITAL 212Setting the World Ablaze: Italian Women's Writing from Saint...00000
ITAL 103Intermediate Italian I00000
ITAL 101Elementary Italian I00000
ITAL 500Reading for Comprehension00000
ITAL 240Italy and the Renaissance00000
ITAL 220The Splendor of Rome in Literature & Film00000
ITAL 213The Three Crowns of Italian Literature and Culture: Dante, P...00000
ITAL 203Advanced Italian I: Talking About Culture00000
ITAL 102Elementary Italian II00000
ITAL 104Intermediate Italian II00000
ITAL 488Senior Special Topics Seminar00000
ITAL 241Motherhood in Italian Literature and Culture00000
ITAL 231New Italian Cinema: From Paradiso to Gomorra00000
ITAL 219The Promise of Eternity: Rome and its Image throughout the C...00000
ITAL 210Italian Women Artists00000
ITAL 111Intensive Elementary Italian00000
ITAL 495Italian Internship00000
ITAL 301Society and Culture in the Italian-Speaking World00000
ITAL 250The Italian American Experience; A Survey00000
ITAL 230Mafia, Politics and Society in Italian Cinema00000
ITAL 217Social Issues in Postwar Italian Film, Photography, and Lite...00000
ITAL 204Advanced Italian II: Talking About Culture00000