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CWRU Course Reviews

Case Western Reserve University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 103Introduction to Human Evolution44431
ANTH 310Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 365Gender and Sex Differences: Cross-cultural Perspective00000
ANTH 360Global Politics of Fertility, Family Planning, and Populatio...00000
ANTH 354Health and Healing in East Asia00000
ANTH 349Cultures of Latin America00000
ANTH 339Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Methods00000
ANTH 337Comparative Medical Systems00000
ANTH 333Roots of Ancient India: Archaeology of South Asia00000
ANTH 328Medical Anthropology and Public Health00000
ANTH 323AIDS: Epidemiology, Biology, and Culture00000
ANTH 316Current Global Health Events00000
ANTH 367Topics in Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 307Experiential Learning in Child Policy00000
ANTH 305Child Policy00000
ANTH 302Darwinian Medicine00000
ANTH 233Introduction to Jewish Folklore00000
ANTH 215Health, Culture, and Disease: An Introduction to Medical Ant...00000
ANTH 701Dissertation Ph.D.00000
ANTH 599Tutorial: Advanced Studies in Anthropology00000
ANTH 504Anthropological Research Design00000
ANTH 481BMedical Anthropology and Global Health II Recitation00000
ANTH 459Introduction to Global Health00000
ANTH 601Independent Research00000
ANTH 511Seminar in Anthropology and Global Health: Topics00000
ANTH 482Anthropological and Ecological Perspectives on Preserving an...00000
ANTH 481Medical Anthropology and Global Health II00000
ANTH 480Medical Anthropology and Global Health I00000
ANTH 477Human Osteology00000
ANTH 472Anthropological Approaches to Religion00000
ANTH 467Topics in Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 466Population Change: Problems and Solutions00000
ANTH 462Contemporary Theory in Anthropology00000
ANTH 480BMedical Anthropology and Global Health I Recitation00000
ANTH 423AIDS: Epidemiology, Biology, and Culture00000
ANTH 410Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 402Darwinian Medicine00000
ANTH 398CChild Policy Externship and Capstone00000
ANTH 396Undergraduate Research in Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH 391Honors Tutorial00000
ANTH 381Independent Study in Laboratory Archaeology II00000
ANTH 379Topics in Cultural and Social Anthropology00000
ANTH 375Human Evolution: The Fossil Evidence00000
ANTH 371Culture, Behavior, and Person: Psychological Anthropology00000
ANTH 335Illegal Drugs and Society00000
ANTH 380Independent Study in Laboratory Archaeology I00000
ANTH 377Human Osteology00000
ANTH 372Anthropological Approaches to Religion00000
ANTH 370Field Seminar in Paleoanthropology00000
ANTH 366Population Change: Problems and Solutions00000
ANTH 362Contemporary Theory in Anthropology00000
ANTH 359Introduction to Global Health00000
ANTH 353Chinese Culture and Society00000
ANTH 344Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean00000
ANTH 338Maternal Health: Anthropological Perspectives on Reproductiv...00000
ANTH 382Anthropological and Ecological Perspectives on Preserving an...00000
ANTH 331The Most Ancient Near East00000
ANTH 325Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH 319Introduction to Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences00000
ANTH 312Ethnography of Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 308Child Policy Externship00000
ANTH 306The Anthropology of Childhood and the Family00000
ANTH 303Interdisciplinary Solutions to Global Health Issues00000
ANTH 300Global Health Design in Uganda00000
ANTH 225Evolution00000
ANTH 107Archaeology: An Introduction00000
ANTH 439BApplying Anthropological Research Methods00000
ANTH 479Topics in Cultural and Social Anthropology00000
ANTH 475Human Evolution: The Fossil Evidence00000
ANTH 471Culture, Behavior, and Person: Psychological Anthropology00000
ANTH 465Gender and Sex Differences: Cross-cultural Perspective00000
ANTH 460Global Politics of Fertility, Family Planning, and Populatio...00000
ANTH 454Health and Healing in East Asia00000
ANTH 453Chinese Culture and Society00000
ANTH 449Cultures of Latin America00000
ANTH 444Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean00000
ANTH 439Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Methods00000
ANTH 102Being Human: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropo...00000
ANTH 438Maternal Health: Anthropological Perspectives on Reproductiv...00000
ANTH 437Comparative Medical Systems00000
ANTH 435Illegal Drugs and Society00000
ANTH 428Medical Anthropology and Public Health00000
ANTH 425Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH 412Ethnography of Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 406The Anthropology of Childhood and the Family00000
ANTH 399Independent Study00000
ANTH 398Anthropology SAGES Capstone00000
ANTH 392Honors Tutorial00000