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CWRU Course Reviews

Case Western Reserve University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH 368Doors Wide Shut: The Private Art Collection from Raphael to...00000
ARTH 449Gothic Art: Vision and Matter00000
ARTH 429Marvels of Rome: Monuments and Their Decoration in the Roman...00000
ARTH 399Honors Thesis00000
ARTH 397Contemporary Art in East Asia00000
ARTH 395Internship00000
ARTH 393Contemporary Art: Critical Directions00000
ARTH 386Issues in American Art00000
ARTH 379Issues in 19th Century Art00000
ARTH 454Global Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 360Renaissance Art in Northern Europe00000
ARTH 354Global Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 349Gothic Art: Vision and Matter00000
ARTH 329Marvels of Rome: Monuments and Their Decoration in the Roman...00000
ARTH 286Introduction to Contemporary Art00000
ARTH 271American Art and Culture: The Twentieth Century00000
ARTH 250Art in the Age of Discovery00000
ARTH 203The Arts of Asia00000
ARTH 494EAmerican Art00000
ARTH 610BAdvanced Visual Arts and Museums Internship II00000
ARTH 601Research in Art History00000
ARTH 565Seminar in American Art00000
ARTH 551Seminar in Early Modern Southern European Art00000
ARTH 530Byzantine Visual Culture00000
ARTH 497Contemporary Art in East Asia00000
ARTH 495Methodologies of Art History00000
ARTH 494FModern Art00000
ARTH 101Art History I: Pyramids to Pagodas00000
ARTH 494DRenaissance and Baroque Art00000
ARTH 492Issues in 20th/21st Century Art00000
ARTH 491BVisual Arts and Museums: Internship00000
ARTH 490BVisual Arts and Museums II00000
ARTH 486Issues in American Art00000
ARTH 479Issues in 19th Century Art00000
ARTH 468Doors Wide Shut: The Private Art Collection from Raphael to...00000
ARTH 460Renaissance Art in Northern Europe00000
ARTH 374Impressionism to Symbolism00000
ARTH 453Sixteenth Century Italian Art00000
ARTH 436Representations of War in Ancient Rome00000
ARTH 402Buddhist Art in Asia00000
ARTH 398Independent Study in Art History00000
ARTH 396Majors Seminar00000
ARTH 394Departmental Seminar00000
ARTH 392Issues in 20th/21st Century Art00000
ARTH 382Art, Eco-criticism, and the Environment00000
ARTH 456Medieval Matters: The Monstrous, the Macabre, the Miraculous00000
ARTH 362Issues in Early Modern Southern European Art00000
ARTH 356Medieval Matters: The Monstrous, the Macabre, the Miraculous00000
ARTH 353Sixteenth Century Italian Art00000
ARTH 336Representations of War in Ancient Rome00000
ARTH 302Buddhist Art in Asia00000
ARTH 280Modern Art and Modern Science00000
ARTH 260Art in Early Modern Europe00000
ARTH 220Jewish Traditional Art and Architecture00000
ARTH 494BAncient Art00000
ARTH 701Dissertation Ph.D.00000
ARTH 610AAdvanced Visual Arts and Museums: Internship I00000
ARTH 570Seminar: 19th Century Art00000
ARTH 552Seminar in Early Modern Northern European Art00000
ARTH 545Seminar in Medieval Art00000
ARTH 512Seminar in Ancient Art00000
ARTH 496Materials, Methods, and Physical Examination of Works of Art00000
ARTH 494CMedieval Art00000
ARTH 102Art History II: Michelangelo to Maya Lin00000
ARTH 494ADirected Readings in Asian Art00000
ARTH 493Contemporary Art: Critical Directions00000
ARTH 491AVisual Arts and Museums: Internship00000
ARTH 490AVisual Arts and Museums I00000
ARTH 489M.A. Qualifying Paper00000
ARTH 482Art, Eco-criticism, and the Environment00000
ARTH 474Impressionism to Symbolism00000
ARTH 462Issues in Early Modern Southern European Art00000