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CWRU Course Reviews

Case Western Reserve University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 315Quantitative Biology Laboratory54451
BIOL 215Cells and Proteins32341
BIOL 478Computational Neuroscience00000
BIOL 318Introductory Entomology00000
BIOL 311CSurvey of Bioinformatics: Translational Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 308Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 304Fitting Models to Data: Maximum Likelihood Methods and Model...00000
BIOL 301Biotechnology Laboratory: Genes and Genetic Engineering00000
BIOL 216LDevelopment and Physiology Lab00000
BIOL 214Genes, Evolution and Ecology00000
BIOL 114Principles of Biology00000
BIOL 651Thesis M.S.00000
BIOL 599Advanced Independent Study for Graduate Students00000
BIOL 491Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation I00000
BIOL 321Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments00000
BIOL 472Foundations of Advanced Evolution00000
BIOL 465Evo-Devo:Evolution of Body Plans and Pathologies00000
BIOL 458Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 452Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases00000
BIOL 443Microbiology00000
BIOL 436Aquatic Biology00000
BIOL 431Statistical Methods I00000
BIOL 422Sensory Biology00000
BIOL 418Introductory Entomology00000
BIOL 415Quantitative Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 409Biology Field Studies00000
BIOL 402Principles of Neural Science00000
BIOL 389SSelected Topics in Biology--SAGES Capstone00000
BIOL 401Biotechnology Laboratory: Genes and Genetic Engineering00000
BIOL 495Introduction to Graduate School in the Biological Sciences00000
BIOL 480Physiology of Organ Systems00000
BIOL 474Neurobiology of Behavior00000
BIOL 471Foundations of Advanced Ecology00000
BIOL 464Research Methods in Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 457Conversations on Protein Structure and Function00000
BIOL 451LPrinciples of Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 442Parasitology00000
BIOL 434Structural Biology00000
BIOL 429Genome Dynamics00000
BIOL 421Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments00000
BIOL 416Fundamental Immunology00000
BIOL 408Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 388Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 390Advanced Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 388SUndergraduate Research - SAGES Capstone00000
BIOL 378Computational Neuroscience00000
BIOL 365Evo-Devo:Evolution of Body Plans and Pathologies00000
BIOL 358Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 352Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases00000
BIOL 346Human Anatomy00000
BIOL 343Microbiology00000
BIOL 341Basic Biology of Blood and Blood Diseases00000
BIOL 339Aquatic Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 336Aquatic Biology00000
BIOL 329Genome Dynamics00000
BIOL 325Cell Biology00000
BIOL 389Selected Topics00000
BIOL 479Transformative Animal Models in Modern Biology00000
BIOL 473Introduction to Neurobiology00000
BIOL 468Topics in Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 462Principles of Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 453Ecophysiology of Global Change00000
BIOL 451Principles of Ecology00000
BIOL 438Ichthyology00000
BIOL 432Statistical Methods II00000
BIOL 426Genetics00000
BIOL 419Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology00000
BIOL 414Taming the Tree of Life: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods-fr...00000
BIOL 404Fitting Models to Data: Maximum Likelihood Methods and Model...00000
BIOL 396Undergraduate Research in Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 492Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation II00000
BIOL 379Transformative Animal Models in Modern Biology00000
BIOL 373Introduction to Neurobiology00000
BIOL 364Research Methods in Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 357Backyard Behavior Capstone00000
BIOL 351LPrinciples of Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 345Mammal Diversity and Evolution00000
BIOL 311BSurvey of Bioinformatics: Data Integration in Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 306Mathematical Analysis of Biological Models00000
BIOL 303From Blackbox to Toolbox: How Molecular Biology Moves Forwar...00000
BIOL 300Dynamics of Biological Systems: A Quantitative Introduction...00000
BIOL 225Evolution00000
BIOL 216Development and Physiology00000
BIOL 214LGenes, Evolution and Ecology Lab00000
BIOL 319Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology00000
BIOL 374Neurobiology of Behavior00000
BIOL 368Topics in Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 362Principles of Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 353Ecophysiology of Global Change00000
BIOL 351Principles of Ecology00000
BIOL 344Laboratory for Microbiology00000
BIOL 342Parasitology00000
BIOL 340Human Physiology00000
BIOL 338Ichthyology00000
BIOL 334Structural Biology00000
BIOL 333The Human Microbiome00000
BIOL 326Genetics00000
BIOL 322Sensory Biology00000
BIOL 116Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIOL 316Fundamental Immunology00000
BIOL 314Taming the Tree of Life: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods-fr...00000
BIOL 311ASurvey of Bioinformatics: Technologies in Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 309Biology Field Studies00000
BIOL 305Herpetology00000
BIOL 302Human Learning and the Brain00000
BIOL 240Personalized Medicine00000
BIOL 223Vertebrate Biology00000
BIOL 215LCells and Proteins Laboratory00000
BIOL 117Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIOL 701Dissertation Ph.D.00000
BIOL 601Research00000