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CWRU Course Reviews

Case Western Reserve University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EECS 132Introduction to Programming in Java51551
EECS 321Semiconductor Electronic Devices52551
EECS 303Embedded Systems Design and Laboratory00000
EECS 496Artificial Intelligence: Sequential Decision Making00000
EECS 500TGraduate Teaching II00000
EECS 589Robotics II00000
EECS 601Independent Study00000
EECS 651Thesis M.S.00000
EECS 233Introduction to Data Structures00000
EECS 275Fundamentals of Robotics00000
EECS 290Introduction to Computer Game Design and Implementation00000
EECS 297Special Topics00000
EECS 488Embedded Systems Design00000
EECS 309Electromagnetic Fields I00000
EECS 315Digital Systems Design00000
EECS 319Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology00000
EECS 325Computer Networks I00000
EECS 338Intro to Operating Systems and Concurrent Programming00000
EECS 340NAlgorithms00000
EECS 342IGlobal Issues, Health, & Sustainability in India00000
EECS 456Data Privacy00000
EECS 408Introduction to Linear Systems00000
EECS 413Nonlinear Systems I00000
EECS 419Computer System Architecture00000
EECS 426MOS Integrated Circuit Design00000
EECS 434Microsystems Technology00000
EECS 435Data Mining00000
EECS 442Causal Learning from Data00000
EECS 448Smartphone Security00000
EECS 491Artificial Intelligence: Probabilistic Graphical Models00000
EECS 460Manufacturing and Automated Systems00000
EECS 468Power System Analysis I00000
EECS 474Advanced Control and Energy Systems00000
EECS 477Advanced Algorithms00000
EECS 480QRegulatory Policy and Regulations00000
EECS 480BThe Human Body00000
EECS 345Programming Language Concepts00000
EECS 480RUser Experience Engineering00000
EECS 444Computer Security00000
EECS 452Random Signals00000
EECS 455Applied Graph Theory00000
EECS 459Bioinformatics for Systems Biology00000
EECS 467Commercialization and Intellectual Property Management00000
EECS 473Modern Robot Programming00000
EECS 476Mobile Robotics00000
EECS 480FPhysicians, Hospitals and Clinics00000
EECS 440Machine Learning00000
EECS 485VLSI Systems00000
EECS 490Digital Image Processing00000
EECS 494Introduction to Information Theory00000
EECS 500EECS Colloquium00000
EECS 531Computer Vision00000
EECS 600Special Topics00000
EECS 649Project M.S.00000
EECS 701Dissertation Ph.D.00000
EECS 393NSoftware Engineering00000
EECS 350Operations and Systems Design00000
EECS 354Digital Communications00000
EECS 360Manufacturing and Automated Systems00000
EECS 371Applied Circuit Design00000
EECS 373LModern Robot Programming Lab00000
EECS 376Mobile Robotics00000
EECS 390Advanced Game Development Project00000
EECS 393Software Engineering00000
EECS 398Engineering Projects I00000
EECS 397Special Topics00000
EECS 400TGraduate Teaching I00000
EECS 407Engineering Economics and Financial Analysis00000
EECS 411Applied Engineering Statistics00000
EECS 415Integrated Circuit Technology I00000
EECS 422Solid State Electronics II00000
EECS 428Computer Communications Networks II00000
EECS 416Convex Optimization for Engineering00000
EECS 375Applied Control00000
EECS 391Introduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
EECS 394Introduction to Information Theory00000
EECS 396Independent Projects00000
EECS 399Engineering Projects II00000
EECS 402Internet Security and Privacy00000
EECS 410Mobile Health (mHealth) Technology00000
EECS 414Wireless Communications00000
EECS 373Modern Robot Programming00000
EECS 425Computer Networks I00000
EECS 427Optoelectronic and Photonic Devices00000
EECS 438High Performance Computing00000
EECS 443Flexible Electronics00000
EECS 450Operations and Systems Design00000
EECS 454Analysis of Algorithms00000
EECS 458Introduction to Bioinformatics00000
EECS 466Computer Graphics00000
EECS 326Instrumentation Electronics00000
EECS 245Electronic Circuits00000
EECS 281Logic Design and Computer Organization00000
EECS 293NSoftware Craftsmanship00000
EECS 301Digital Logic Laboratory00000
EECS 304Control Engineering I with Laboratory00000
EECS 313Signal Processing00000
EECS 316Computer Design00000
EECS 324Modeling and Simulation of Continuous Dynamical Systems00000
EECS 469Power System Analysis II00000
EECS 340Algorithms00000
EECS 341NIntroduction to Database Systems00000
EECS 343Theoretical Computer Science00000
EECS 346Engineering Optimization00000
EECS 351Communications and Signal Analysis00000
EECS 356Data Privacy00000
EECS 368Power System Analysis I00000
EECS 349Computer Security00000
EECS 314Computer Architecture00000
EECS 318Vlsi/Cad00000
EECS 322Integrated Circuits and Electronic Devices00000
EECS 325NComputer Networks I00000
EECS 338NIntro to Operating Systems and Concurrent Programming00000
EECS 341Introduction to Database Systems00000
EECS 342Introduction to Global Issues00000
EECS 345NProgramming Language Concepts00000
EECS 305Control Engineering I Laboratory00000
EECS 352Engineering Economics and Decision Analysis00000
EECS 366Computer Graphics00000
EECS 369Power System Analysis II00000
EECS 374Advanced Control and Energy Systems00000
EECS 377Introduction to Connected Devices00000
EECS 392App Development for iOS00000
EECS 395Senior Project in Computer Science00000
EECS 600TGraduate Teaching III00000
EECS 475Applied Control00000
EECS 478Computational Neuroscience00000
EECS 480SWireless Health Product Development00000
EECS 484Computational Intelligence I: Basic Principles00000
EECS 489Robotics I00000
EECS 493Software Engineering00000
EECS 499Algorithmic Robotics00000
EECS 526Integrated Mixed-Signal Systems00000
EECS 401Digital Signal Processing00000
EECS 621Special Projects00000
EECS 695Project M.S.00000
EECS 216Fundamental System Concepts00000
EECS 246Signals and Systems00000
EECS 293Software Craftsmanship00000
EECS 296Independent Projects00000
EECS 302Discrete Mathematics00000