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Delta State Course Reviews

Delta State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 490Professional Studio Practices00000
ART 326Advertising Design00000
ART 275Sculpture I00000
ART 250Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 235Fundamentals of Digital Video00000
ART 220Typography00000
ART 201Methods in Art00000
ART 123Introduction to Digital Art00000
ART 530Ceramics00000
ART 329Motion Graphics00000
ART 477Sculpture V00000
ART 472Animation III00000
ART 468Figure Painting00000
ART 465Painting I00000
ART 443Advanced Printmaking II00000
ART 431Ceramics00000
ART 418History of Photography00000
ART 412Modern Art00000
ART 423Issues in Art History00000
ART 592Special Topics in Art: Paintin00000
ART 492Special Topics in Art00000
ART 480Color Mgmt/Fine Digital Print00000
ART 475Sculpture III00000
ART 470Adv. Studio Prcts in Painting00000
ART 467Landscape Painting00000
ART 450Advanced Drawing00000
ART 433Pottery Workshop00000
ART 409Fiber Design IV00000
ART 415Portfolio and Process00000
ART 413Art Since 196000000
ART 410Beyond Basic Digital Photograp00000
ART 407Fiber Design II00000
ART 402Art History Survey II00000
ART 378Fundamentals of Lighting00000
ART 355Watercolor Painting00000
ART 334Intermediate Digital Video Pro00000
ART 361Art Content and Techniques00000
ART 455Advanced Digital Video00000
ART 436Studio Lghtg/Lg Format Ptgphy00000
ART 430Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 416Senior Project00000
ART 411Altrntv Photographic Processes00000
ART 408Fiber Design III00000
ART 404Field Study in Art00000
ART 381Cinema Studio I00000
ART 469Abstraction in Painting00000
ART 341Intermediate Printmaking00000
ART 330Advanced Graphic Desigm00000
ART 327Digital Illstrtn/Graphic Dsgnr00000
ART 276Sculpture II00000
ART 239Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 230Introductory Ceramics00000
ART 221Computer Graphics00000
ART 175Three-Dimensional Design I00000
ART 236Stop Motion Animation00000
ART 406Fiber Design I00000
ART 401Art History Survey I00000
ART 372Animation I00000
ART 343Intermediate Photography00000
ART 331Package Design00000
ART 328Web Design00000
ART 325Graphic Design00000
ART 267Furniture Design00000
ART 150Beginning Drawing00000
ART 222Intermediate Photography00000
ART 214Introduction to Photography00000
ART 158Two-Dimensional Design I00000
ART 101Introduction to Art00000
ART 665Practicum in Art Education00000
ART 499Senior Thesis00000
ART 488Internship in Graphic Design00000
ART 476Sculpture IV00000