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Delta State Course Reviews

Delta State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CRJ 336Juvenile Delinquency00000
CRJ 689Independent Study00000
CRJ 675Seminar:Issues in Crim Justice00000
CRJ 655Prof & Institutional Ethics00000
CRJ 630Theories of Criminal Behavior00000
CRJ 575Family Violence00000
CRJ 525Juvenile Justice00000
CRJ 480Soc Justice/Crimnlgy Prctcm00000
CRJ 475Family Violence00000
CRJ 461Drugs and Society00000
CRJ 434Global Terrorism00000
CRJ 405Intro to Criminological Theory00000
CRJ 315Org/Philosphy of Juv. Justice00000
CRJ 300Intro/Crmnl Justice Plcy/Prctc00000
CRJ 431Gender, Law and Crime00000
CRJ 410Applied Criminal Investigation00000
CRJ 200Intro to CRJ Policy & Practice00000
CRJ 310Org/Philosphy of Corrections00000
CRJ 210Org. and Philosophy of Correct00000
CRJ 690Thesis00000
CRJ 680Practicum in Criminal Justice00000
CRJ 670Hist Anal of Am Crim Just Sys00000
CRJ 650Org&Philosophy of Crim Justice00000
CRJ 592Race, Crime, & the Law00000
CRJ 534Global Terrorism00000
CRJ 490Special Topics in Law Enforcem00000
CRJ 470Criminal Forensics00000
CRJ 455Ethics in Soc Just&Criminology00000
CRJ 414Race, Crime and the Law00000
CRJ 407Criminal Law00000
CRJ 321Psy & the Crimnl Justce Proces00000
CRJ 305Org./Philosophy of Law Enforc00000