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CSC 300

Data Structures I

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3OK Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

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1Awful Prof

Prof: James Riely / Spring 2023

Oct 11, 2023

Comments on the course

Very difficult class, though at first I wasn't really sure why. I ended up in an async section of this course, which really sucked. Riely has a whole website set up for the class, which provides lecture videos and other resources. Somewhere during the class, I ended up getting lost in the website and missing a lot of the important information I should have been going over before exams/quizzes.

Course Content

Riely's set up for this class is overwhelming. The website has so many resources on it, it can be easy to get lost and overwhelmed, especially in an async section like I was in. This was also my first time working with Java, which added another level of difficulty to everything. Quizzes and exams are weighed very heavily, so make sure to study and use mock exam resources from SI sessions.

Comments on the professor

Riely knows what he's talking about but has a difficult time explaining things for beginners. I had never worked with Java previous to this class and felt really lost a lot of the time when watching lectures or his videos.


Learn from my mistakes and read the textbook carefully before taking any of the quizzes. Don't get overwhelmed by all the info thrown at you, focus on going back to the book if you're confused.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: CWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyQuiz Heavy

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