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Drake Course Reviews

Drake University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 075Themes: Art & Politics00000
ART 118American Landscapes00000
ART 115Advanced Typography00000
ART 112Renaissance Art00000
ART 108American Art History00000
ART 103Art Of India, China, And Japan00000
ART 101Graphic Design History00000
ART 099Planet(S): An Art Studio00000
ART 081Forging the Imagination00000
ART 079Building Ideas00000
ART 119Material World Of Art00000
ART 066Intermediate Drawing II00000
ART 064Paint and Story00000
ART 059Intro Lithographic Printmaking00000
ART 057Intro To Relief Printmaking00000
ART 052Form & Concept00000
ART 050Idea of Design00000
ART 019Microcosm, Macrocosm00000
ART 015Observational Drawing00000
ART 158Printmaking: Advanced Intaglio00000
ART 197Art History Capstone00000
ART 191Design Practicum00000
ART 179Advanced Sculpture I00000
ART 177Art/Race/Ethics00000
ART 175Sr Studio Art Capstone Paint00000
ART 165Advanced Drawing00000
ART 163Painting Thesis I00000
ART 160Printmaking: Special Problems00000
ART 0132-D Design00000
ART 156Context & Process00000
ART 154Advanced Web Design00000
ART 150Special Topics/ Graphic Design00000
ART 148Printmaking: Intaglio II00000
ART 145Special Topics: Soft Sculpture00000
ART 139Intermediate Sculpture I00000
ART 129Professional Internship Prgm00000
ART 125Paint and Abstraction00000
ART 078Recycle And Repurpose00000
ART 116Content & Audience00000
ART 114Web Design00000
ART 109Modern Art History00000
ART 104Freedom/Slavery/Emancipation00000
ART 102Graphic Design Theory & Pract00000
ART 100Design Issues00000
ART 090Drawing in Time00000
ART 080Sculpture II00000
ART 123Critters 10100000
ART 074Intro To Art00000
ART 065Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 063Pushing Paint00000
ART 058Intro To Intaglio Printmaking00000
ART 056Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 051Typography00000
ART 021Digital Media00000
ART 016Concepts in Drawing00000
ART 159Printmaking: Adv Lithography00000
ART 199Art & Theory00000
ART 192Ba Senior Capstone-Pntg00000
ART 180Advanced Sculpture II00000
ART 178Special Problems In Drawing II00000
ART 176Sr Studio Art Capstone Paint00000
ART 166Advanced Drawing II00000
ART 164Painting Thesis II00000
ART 161App Design & Development00000
ART 014Constructing Space00000
ART 157Printmaking: Advanced Relief00000
ART 155Research & Application00000
ART 151Publication Design00000
ART 149Printmaking: Lithography II00000
ART 147Printmaking: Relief II00000
ART 140Intermediate Sculpture II00000
ART 130Independent Study00000
ART 126Questioning Paint00000