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Drexel Course Reviews

Drexel University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH 102History of Art II: Renaissance to Romanticism34121
ARTH 101History of Art I: Ancient to Medieval33211
ARTH 321Material Matters in Contemporary Art00000
ARTH 400Art History Senior Thesis00000
ARTH I299Independent Study in Art History00000
ARTH T280Special Topics in Art History00000
ARTH 150Art History Research Methods00000
ARTH 301Asian Art and Culture00000
ARTH 303Art of China00000
ARTH 31320th Century Modernism (1900-1955)00000
ARTH 315History of African-American Art00000
ARTH 318Latin American Art00000
ARTH 336 [WI]History of Costume II: Directoire to World War I00000
ARTH 327Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 335 [WI]History of Costume I: Preclassical to Directoire00000
ARTH 340Women in Art00000
ARTH I199Independent Study in Art History00000
ARTH I499Independent Study in Art History00000
ARTH T380Special Topics in Art History00000
ARTH 300History of Modern Design00000
ARTH 335History of Costume I: Preclassical to Directoire00000
ARTH 336History of Costume II: Directoire to World War I00000
ARTH 530History of Modern Design00000
ARTH I399Independent Study in Art History00000
ARTH 200Principles and Methods of Art History00000
ARTH 304Art of Japan00000
ARTH 311Twentieth-Century American Art00000
ARTH 314Contemporary Art00000
ARTH 316African Art00000
ARTH 320Art in the Age of Technology00000
ARTH 325Ancient Greek and Roman Art00000
ARTH 328Northern Renaissance00000
ARTH 337History of Costume: Post World War I to Present00000
ARTH 477Art History Seminar00000
ARTH 329Art of the 17th and 18th Centuries00000
ARTH T180Special Topics in Art History00000
ARTH T480Special Topics in Art History00000
ARTH 103History of Art III: Modern Art00000
ARTH 300 [WI]History of Modern Design00000
ARTH 302Art of India00000
ARTH 310Early American Art00000
ARTH 312Early Modernism (1850-1900)00000
ARTH 317Modern Art Theory and Criticism00000
ARTH 326Medieval Art00000