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Drexel Course Reviews

Drexel University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 323Parasitology00000
BIO 215Techniques in Cell Biology00000
BIO 219 [WI]Techniques in Molecular Biology00000
BIO 222Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIO 225Vertebrate Biology and Evolution Laboratory00000
BIO 257Vertebrate Morphology & Physiology Lab00000
BIO 284Biology of Stress00000
BIO 305Mobilizing the Scientific Method00000
BIO 312Genetically Modified Foods00000
BIO 211Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology II00000
BIO 332Bioinformatics II00000
BIO 346Stem Cell Research00000
BIO 368Embryology00000
BIO 374Developmental Biology Lab00000
BIO 388Gross Anatomy II00000
BIO 410Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIO 413Genomics00000
BIO 416Biochemistry of Major Diseases00000
BIO 426Immunology00000
BIO 124Evolution & Organismal Diversity00000
BIO 468Pathophysiology00000
BIO 472Seminar in Biological Sciences00000
BIO 474Thesis in Biology00000
BIO I499Independent Study in BIO00000
BIO T380Special Topics in Bioscience & Biotechnology00000
BIO 100Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology00000
BIO 108Cells, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory00000
BIO 112Biotechnology for Society00000
BIO 118Basics of Cancer00000
BIO 433Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIO 132Genetics and Evolution00000
BIO 136Anatomy and Ecology Lab00000
BIO 162General Biology II00000
BIO 166General Biology Laboratory III00000
BIO 201Human Physiology I00000
BIO 202Human Physiology Laboratory00000
BIO 207Applications in Biology I00000
BIO 632Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIO 540Readings in Molecular and Cellular Bioscience and Biotechnol...00000
BIO 562Biology of Neuron Function00000
BIO 565Neurobiology of Disease00000
BIO 601Research Methods00000
BIO 613Genomics00000
BIO 614Behavioral Genetics00000
BIO 615Proteins00000
BIO 616Biochemistry of Major Diseases00000
BIO 630Cell Biology of Disease00000
BIO 534Bioinformatics I00000
BIO 635Advanced Genetics and Molecular Biology00000
BIO 644Human Genetics00000
BIO 650Virology00000
BIO 661Neurobiology of Autism Disorders00000
BIO 662Biology of Neuron Function00000
BIO 663Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration00000
BIO 664Neurobiology of Disease00000
BIO 864Graduate Research Seminar00000
BIO 997Research in Bioscience00000
BIO 205Mobilizing the Scientific Method00000
BIO 436Population Genetics00000
BIO 449Recombinant DNA Laboratory00000
BIO 461Neurobiology of Autism Disorders00000
BIO 465Neurobiology of Disease00000
BIO 471Seminar in Biological Sciences00000
BIO 497Research00000
BIO I399Independent Study in BIO00000
BIO T280Special Topics in Bioscience & Biotechnology00000
BIO T580St: Bioinformatics II00000
BIO 453Protein Dysfunction in Disease00000
BIO 219Techniques in Molecular Biology00000
BIO 223Parasitology00000
BIO 229Dictyostelium Research00000
BIO 270Development Biology00000
BIO 271Developmental Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 473Seminar in Biological Sciences00000
BIO 500Biochemistry I00000
BIO 532Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIO 415Proteins00000
BIO 306Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BIO 314Pharmacology00000
BIO 320Microbial Pathogenesis00000
BIO 329Dictyostelium Research00000
BIO 348Neuroscience: From Cells to Circuits00000
BIO 373Developmental Biology00000
BIO 386Gross Anatomy I00000
BIO 389Gross Anatomy II Lab00000
BIO 412Biology of Aging00000
BIO 285Forensic Biology00000
BIO 421Biomembranes00000
BIO 430Cell Biology of Disease00000
BIO 435Immunobiology of Disease00000
BIO 444Human Genetics00000
BIO 451Genetic Reg Development00000
BIO 462Biology of Neuron Function00000
BIO 466Endocrinology00000
BIO 473 [WI]Seminar in Biological Sciences00000
BIO I199Independent Study in BIO00000
BIO 177Mentorship in STEM00000
BIO 110Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution Laboratory00000
BIO 116How Your Body Works-Or Not00000
BIO 122Cells and Genetics00000
BIO 128Bacteriophage Discovery Laboratory00000
BIO 133Physiology and Ecology00000
BIO 135Genetics and Evolution Lab00000
BIO 161General Biology I00000
BIO 164General Biology Laboratory I00000
BIO I299Independent Study in BIO00000
BIO 203Human Physiology II00000
BIO 209Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology I00000
BIO 213Drosophila Neural Research00000
BIO 218Principles of Molecular Biology00000
BIO 220Essential Microbiology00000
BIO 226Microbiology for Health Professionals00000
BIO 232Discovering Antibiotics00000
BIO 256Vertebrate Morphology and Physiology00000
BIO 372Histology00000
BIO 228Evolutionary Biology & Human Health00000
BIO 244Genetics I00000
BIO 264Ethnobotany00000
BIO 286Forensic Toxicology00000
BIO 311Biochemistry00000
BIO 318Biology of Cancer00000
BIO 331Bioinformatics I00000
BIO 333Bioinformatics Laboratory00000
BIO 349Behavioral Neuroscience00000
BIO 224Form, Function & Evolution of Vertebrates00000
BIO 387Gross Anatomy I Laboratory00000
BIO 404Structure and Function of Biomolecules00000
BIO 414Behavioral Genetics00000
BIO 420Virology00000
BIO 427Immunology Laboratory00000
BIO 434 [WI]Advanced Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 447Advanced Genetics and Molecular Biology00000
BIO 107Cells, Genetics & Physiology00000
BIO 141Essential Biology00000
BIO T180Special Topics in Bioscience & Biotechnology00000
BIO T480Special Topics in Bioscience & Biotechnology00000
BIO 101Applied Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution00000
BIO 109Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution00000
BIO 114Climate Change and Human Health00000
BIO 120Phage Phinder’s Research00000
BIO 126Physiology and Ecology00000
BIO 131Cells and Biomolecules00000
BIO 134Cells and Biomolecules Lab00000
BIO 463Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration00000
BIO 163General Biology III00000
BIO 165General Biology Laboratory II00000
BIO 200Connections in Biology00000
BIO 204The Privilege of Aging00000
BIO 208Applications in Biology II00000
BIO 212Biotechnology00000
BIO 214Principles of Cell Biology00000
BIO 221Microbiology00000