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Drexel Course Reviews

Drexel University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENVE 300Introduction to Environmental Engineering44331
ENVE T180Special Topics in ENVE00000
ENVE I299Independent Study in ENVE00000
ENVE T280Special Topics in ENVE00000
ENVE 410Solid and Hazardous Waste00000
ENVE 421Water and Waste Treatment II00000
ENVE 435Groundwater Remediation00000
ENVE 460Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control00000
ENVE 471Environmental Life Cycle Assessment00000
ENVE 486Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory I00000
ENVE 492 [WI]Senior Design Project II00000
ENVE I399Independent Study in ENVE00000
ENVE I199Independent Study in ENVE00000
ENVE T480Special Topics in ENVE00000
ENVE 316Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology00000
ENVE 416Urban Water Resources & Infrastructure Systems00000
ENVE 450Data-based Engineering Modeling00000
ENVE 465Indoor Air Quality00000
ENVE 487Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory II00000
ENVE 493 [WI]Senior Design Project III00000
ENVE I499Independent Study in ENVE00000
ENVE T380Special Topics in ENVE00000
ENVE 727Risk Assessment00000
ENVE 660Chemical Kinetics in Environmental Engineering00000
ENVE 493Senior Design Project III00000
ENVE 546Solid Waste Systems00000
ENVE 560Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control00000
ENVE 571Environmental Life Cycle Assessment00000
ENVE 661Env Engr Op-Chem & Phys00000
ENVE 665Hazardous Waste & Groundwater Treatment00000
ENVE 750Data-based Engineering Modeling00000
ENVE 492Senior Design Project II00000
ENVE 516Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology00000
ENVE 555Geographic Information Systems00000
ENVE 570Industrial Ecology00000
ENVE 491Senior Project Design I00000
ENVE 662Enviro Engr Unit Oper-Bio00000
ENVE 681Analytical and Numerical Techniques in Hydrology00000
ENVE 302Environmental Transport and Kinetics00000
ENVE 335Industrial Safety00000
ENVE 415Recycling of Materials00000
ENVE 422Water and Waste Treatment Design00000
ENVE 455Geographic Information Systems00000
ENVE 470Industrial Ecology00000
ENVE 485Professional Environmental Engineering Practice00000
ENVE 491 [WI]Senior Project Design I00000