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Drexel Course Reviews

Drexel University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 121Calculus I54451
MATH 180Discrete Computational Structures00000
MATH I199Independent Study in MATH00000
MATH 475Cryptography00000
MATH 449Mathematical Finance00000
MATH 410Scientific Data Analysis I00000
MATH 387Linear Algebra II00000
MATH 322Complex Variables00000
MATH 319Techniques of Data Analysis00000
MATH 316Mathematical Applications of Symbolic Software00000
MATH 311Probability and Statistics I00000
MATH 301Numerical Analysis II00000
MATH 262Differential Equations00000
MATH 239Mathematics for the Life Sciences00000
MATH 221Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 205Survey of Geometry00000
MATH I499Independent Study in MATH00000
MATH 171Introduction to Analysis A00000
MATH 117Calculus and Functions II00000
MATH 114Practicum for Math 11700000
MATH 111Practicum for Math 11600000
MATH 108Mathematics for Nursing Professionals00000
MATH 102Introduction to Analysis II00000
MATH 050Elements of Precalculus00000
MATH 004Trigonometry00000
MATH T280Special Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH T180Special Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH I399Independent Study in MATH00000
MATH 489Tensor Calculus00000
MATH 238History of Mathematics00000
MATH T380Special Topics in MATH00000
MATH T185Special Topics00000
MATH I299Independent Study in MATH00000
MATH 483Discrete Event Simulation00000
MATH 422Introduction to Topology00000
MATH 402Elements of Modern Analysis II00000
MATH 332Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 323Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 320Actuarial Mathematics00000
MATH 313Probability and Statistics III00000
MATH 305Introduction to Optimization Theory00000
MATH 291Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers00000
MATH 261Linear Algebra00000
MATH 450Introduction to Graph Theory00000
MATH 222 [WI]Combinatorics00000
MATH 210Differential Equations00000
MATH 200Multivariate Calculus00000
MATH 173Introduction to Analysis C00000
MATH 122Calculus II00000
MATH 116Calculus and Functions I00000
MATH 112Practicum for Math 12100000
MATH 109Practicum for Math 11000000
MATH 107Probability and Statistics for Liberal Arts00000
MATH 101Introduction to Analysis I00000
MATH 049Elements of College Algebra00000
MATH T480Special Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH T186Special Topics00000
MATH 640Functional Analysis00000
MATH 538Manifolds00000
MATH 533Abstract Algebra I00000
MATH 522Numerical Analysis III00000
MATH 520Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 510Applied Probability and Statistics I00000
MATH 505Principles of Analysis I00000
MATH 318Mathematical Applications of Statistical Software00000
MATH 220Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning00000
MATH 182Mathematical Analysis II00000
MATH T680Topics in Analytic Num Theory00000
MATH T580Linear Algebra II00000
MATH 723Mathematical Neuroscience00000
MATH 673Calculus of Variations00000
MATH 641Harmonic Analysis00000
MATH 610Probability Theory I00000
MATH 630Complex Variables I00000
MATH 623Ordinary Differential Equations I00000
MATH 620Partial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 540Numerical Computing00000
MATH 536Topology I00000
MATH 530Combinatorial Mathematics I00000
MATH 521Numerical Analysis II00000
MATH 511Applied Probability and Statistics II00000
MATH 506Principles of Analysis II00000
MATH 504Linear Algebra & Matrix Analysis00000
MATH 222Combinatorics00000
MATH 183Mathematical Analysis III00000
MATH 181Mathematical Analysis I00000
MATH 172Introduction to Analysis B00000
MATH 411Scientific Data Analysis II00000
MATH 401Elements of Modern Analysis I00000
MATH 331Abstract Algebra I00000
MATH 321Vector Calculus00000
MATH 318 [WI]Mathematical Applications of Statistical Software00000
MATH 312Probability and Statistics II00000
MATH 310Probability and Statistics00000
MATH 300Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 285Differential Equations II00000
MATH 250Mathematics of Investment and Credit00000
MATH 235Math Competition Problem Solving Seminar00000
MATH 220 [WI]Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning00000
MATH 201Linear Algebra00000
MATH T880Elliptic Curves and Crypto00000
MATH 123Calculus III00000
MATH 119Mathematical Foundations for Design00000
MATH 115Practicum for MATH 20000000
MATH 113Practicum for Math 12200000
MATH 110Precalculus00000
MATH 105Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry00000
MATH 100Fundamentals of Mathematics00000
MATH 701Algebraic Combinatorics00000
MATH 642Operator Theory00000
MATH 633Real Variables I00000
MATH 624Ordinary Differential Equations II00000
MATH 621Partial Differential Equations II00000
MATH 611Probability Theory II00000