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Drexel Course Reviews

Drexel University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MEM 255Introduction to Controls44551
MEM 355Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems00000
MEM 456Robotics II00000
MEM 454Aircarft Flight Dynamics & Control II00000
MEM 449Applications of Non-Thermal Plasmas00000
MEM 446Fundamentals of Plasmas I00000
MEM 437Manufacturing Process I00000
MEM 431Machine Design I00000
MEM 428Introduction to Composites I00000
MEM 426Aerospace Structures00000
MEM 423Mechanics of Vibration00000
MEM 417Introduction to Microfabrication00000
MEM 413HVAC Loads00000
MEM 403Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion00000
MEM 391Introduction to Engineering Design Methods00000
MEM 373Space Systems Engineering I00000
MEM 476Medical Robotics II00000
MEM 333Mechanical Behavior of Materials00000
MEM 320Fluid Dynamics I00000
MEM 304Introduction to Biomechanical Engineering00000
MEM 230Mechanics of Materials I00000
MEM 220Fluid Mechanics I00000
MEM T280Special Topics in MEM00000
MEM I299Independent Study in MEM00000
MEM 492 [WI]Senior Design Project II00000
MEM 478Computer-Aided Tissue Engr00000
MEM 475Medical Robotics I00000
MEM 458Micro-Based Control Systems I00000
MEM 455Introduction to Robotics00000
MEM 451Orbital Mechanics00000
MEM 448Applications of Thermal Plasmas00000
MEM 445Solar Energy Fundamentals00000
MEM 406Principles of Combustion II00000
MEM T380Special Topics in MEM00000
MEM I399Independent Study in MEM00000
MEM 493 [WI]Senior Design Project III00000
MEM 477Haptics for Medical Robotics00000
MEM 462 [WI]Introduction to Engineering Management00000
MEM 457Robotics III00000
MEM 453Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I00000
MEM 447Fundamentals of Plasmas II00000
MEM 444Biofluid Mechanics00000
MEM 438Manufacturing Process II00000
MEM 435Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing00000
MEM 429Introduction to Composites II00000
MEM 425Aircraft Design & Performance00000
MEM 420Aerodynamics00000
MEM 415Fuel Cell Engines00000
MEM 459Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors00000
MEM 402Power Plant Design00000
MEM 395Hess Undergraduate Scholars Research00000
MEM 371Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I00000
MEM 345Heat Transfer00000
MEM 330Mechanics of Materials II00000
MEM 310Thermodynamic Analysis I00000
MEM 221Fluid Mechanics II00000
MEM 201Foundations of Computer Aided Design00000
MEM T480Special Topics in MEM00000
MEM T180Special Topics in MEM00000
MEM I499Independent Study in MEM00000
MEM I199Independent Study in MEM00000
MEM 491 [WI]Senior Design Project I00000
MEM 440Thermal Systems Design00000
MEM 664Introduction to Plasticity00000
MEM 611Conduction Heat Transfer00000
MEM 602Statistical Thermodynamics II00000
MEM 593Applied Engr Analy Methods III00000
MEM 591Applied Engr Analy Methods I00000
MEM 530Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I00000
MEM 492Senior Design Project II00000
MEM 462Introduction to Engineering Management00000
MEM T580Characterization Methods00000
MEM I699Development of AI Environment00000
MEM 898Master's Thesis00000
MEM 733Applied Optimal Control I00000
MEM 706Combustion Theory II00000
MEM 688Manufacturing Processes II00000
MEM 681Finite Element Methods I00000
MEM 667Advanced Dynamics II00000
MEM 613Radiation Heat Transfer00000
MEM 660Theory of Elasticity I00000
MEM 648Applications of Thermal Plasmas00000
MEM 646Fundamentals of Plasmas I00000
MEM 636Theory of Nonlinear Control I00000
MEM 633Robust Control Systems I00000
MEM 621Foundations of Fluid Mechanics00000
MEM 617Introduction to Microfabrication00000
MEM 612Convection Heat Transfer00000
MEM 603Advanced Thermodynamics00000
MEM 601Statistical Thermodynamics I00000
MEM 592Applied Engr Analy Methods II00000
MEM 570Introduction to Composite Materials II00000
MEM 493Senior Design Project III00000
MEM 491Senior Design Project I00000
MEM 202Statics00000
MEM 436Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing00000
MEM 430Advanced Stress Analysis00000
MEM 427Finite Element Methods00000
MEM 424Biomechanics00000
MEM 419Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip00000
MEM 414HVAC Equipment00000
MEM 410Thermodynamic Analysis II00000
MEM 405Principles of Combustion I00000
MEM 400Internal Combustion Engines00000
MEM 374Space Systems Engineering II00000
MEM 361Engineering Reliability00000
MEM 351Dynamic Systems Laboratory I00000
MEM 331Experimental Mechanics I00000
MEM 311Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory00000
MEM 238Dynamics00000
MEM T880Advanced Computational Design Optimization II00000
MEM 998Ph.D. Dissertation00000
MEM 777Fracture Mechanics I00000
MEM 714Two-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer00000
MEM 705Combustion Theory I00000
MEM 687Manufacturing Processes I00000
MEM 678Nondestructive Evaluation Methods00000
MEM 666Advanced Dynamics I00000
MEM 663Continuum Mechanics00000
MEM 649Application of Non-Thermal Plasmas00000
MEM 647Fundamentals of Plasmas II00000
MEM 637Theory of Nonlinear Control II00000
MEM 634Robust Control Systems II00000
MEM 622Boundry Layers-Laminar & Turbulent00000
MEM 619Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip00000