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Drexel Course Reviews

Drexel University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHYS 170Electricity and Motion34211
PHYS 461Biophysics00000
PHYS 182Applied Physics I00000
PHYS 176Computational Lab for Light and Sound00000
PHYS 152Introductory Physics I00000
PHYS 128Introduction to Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 121Physical Science for Design I00000
PHYS 106 [WI]The Physics of High Fidelity00000
PHYS 102Fundamentals of Physics II00000
PHYS T480Special Topics in Physics00000
PHYS T180Special Topics in Physics00000
PHYS I299Independent Study in PHYS00000
PHYS 491Senior Research I00000
PHYS 471Nonlinear Dynamics00000
PHYS 185Fundamentals of Physics Lecture I00000
PHYS 432Cosmology00000
PHYS 408Physics Seminar00000
PHYS 327Quantum Mechanics II00000
PHYS 324Topics in Mathematical Physics00000
PHYS 317Statistical Mechanics00000
PHYS 305Computational Physics II00000
PHYS 262Introduction to Biophysics00000
PHYS 231Introductory Astrophysics00000
PHYS 201Fundamentals of Physics III00000
PHYS 186Physics I-A00000
PHYS 183Applied Physics II00000
PHYS 181Astronomy00000
PHYS 485Research00000
PHYS 998Ph.D. Dissertation00000
PHYS 631Relativity Theory I00000
PHYS 626Solid State Physics I00000
PHYS 561Biophysics00000
PHYS 532Cosmology00000
PHYS 521Statistical Mechanics I00000
PHYS 517Quantum Mechanics II00000
PHYS 511Electromagnetic Theory I00000
PHYS 493Senior Research III00000
PHYS T580ST: Big Data Physics00000
PHYS T380Special Topics in Physics00000
PHYS I399Independent Study in PHYS00000
PHYS 493 [WI]Senior Research III00000
PHYS 175Light and Sound00000
PHYS 453Nanoscience00000
PHYS 440Big Data Physics00000
PHYS 428Quantum Mechanics III00000
PHYS 405Advanced Computational Physics00000
PHYS 328 [WI]Advanced Laboratory00000
PHYS 325Computational Physics III00000
PHYS 321Electromagnetic Fields I00000
PHYS 311Classical Mechanics I00000
PHYS 280Fundamentals of Physics Lecture III00000
PHYS 232Observational Astrophysics00000
PHYS 226Instrumentation for Scientists I00000
PHYS 189Fundamentals of Physics Lecture II00000
PHYS 562Computational Biophysics00000
PHYS 177Experimental Lab for Light and Sound00000
PHYS 172Experimental Lab for Electricity and Motion00000
PHYS 160Introduction to Scientific Computing00000
PHYS 153Introductory Physics II00000
PHYS 131Survey of the Universe00000
PHYS 122Physical Science for Design II00000
PHYS 114Contemporary Physics II00000
PHYS 107Acoustics00000
PHYS 104General Physics II00000
PHYS 101Fundamentals of Physics I00000
PHYS 050Preparation for Engineering Studies00000
PHYS 997Research00000
PHYS 627Solid State Physics II00000
PHYS 184Applied Physics III00000
PHYS 540Big Data Physics00000
PHYS 531Galactic Astrophysics00000
PHYS 516Quantum Mechanics I00000
PHYS 506Dynamics I00000
PHYS 328Advanced Laboratory00000
PHYS 679The Standard Model00000
PHYS 576Introduction to Particle Physics00000
PHYS 553Nanoscience00000
PHYS 522Statistical Mechanics II00000
PHYS 518Quantum Mechanics III00000
PHYS 512Electromagnetic Theory II00000
PHYS 501Mathematical Physics I00000
PHYS 462Computational Biophysics00000
PHYS 171Computational Lab for Electricity and Motion00000
PHYS 154Introductory Physics III00000
PHYS 151Applied Physics00000
PHYS 115Contemporary Physics III00000
PHYS 113Contemporary Physics I00000
PHYS 105Computational Physics I00000
PHYS 103General Physics I00000
PHYS 100Preparation for Engineering Studies00000
PHYS T280Special Topics in Physics00000
PHYS I499Independent Study in PHYS00000
PHYS I199Independent Study in PHYS00000
PHYS 492Senior Research II00000
PHYS 476Particle Physics00000
PHYS 135How Things Work00000
PHYS 452Solid State Physics00000
PHYS 431Galactic Astrophysics00000
PHYS 409Astrophysics Seminar00000
PHYS 330Introduction to Nuclear Physics00000
PHYS 326Quantum Mechanics I00000
PHYS 322Electromagnetic Fields II00000
PHYS 312Classical Mechanics II00000
PHYS 282Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory III00000
PHYS 233Introduction to Relativity00000
PHYS 227Instrumentation for Scientists II00000
PHYS 217Thermodynamics00000
PHYS 188Physics II-A00000