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Earlham Course Reviews

Earlham College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANCS 488Senior Capstone Experience00000
ANCS 486Student Research00000
ANCS 481Internships/Field Study Experience00000
ANCS 371Herodotus & the Persian War00000
ANCS 351Words & Works of Ancient Greec00000
ANCS 342Reading Latin00000
ANCS 340The Trojan War00000
ANCS 270That Belongs in a Museum!00000
ANCS 241Ancient Mediterranean History00000
ANCS 221Erotic Roman Poetry00000
ANCS 130Damn the Gods00000
ANCS 112Classical Latin I00000
ANCS 485Independent Study00000
ANCS 382Greek Art History00000
ANCS 358Greek and Roman Drama00000
ANCS 350Words & Works of Ancient Rome00000
ANCS 341Reading Greek00000
ANCS 315Pompeii: Life & Death00000
ANCS 243Life, Death, and Healing in the Ancient World00000
ANCS 222Greece and Rome in Film00000
ANCS 155Ancient Greek Philosophy00000
ANCS 113Classical Latin II00000