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Earlham Course Reviews

Earlham College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 105Drawing 100000
ART 116Art: Context and Meaning II00000
ART 203Fiber Art Workshop00000
ART 210History of Craft00000
ART 225Painting 100000
ART 240Native American Art & Culture00000
ART 250Making Art: Context, Form and Expression00000
ART 285Independent Study00000
ART 305Drawing II00000
ART 333History of Photography00000
ART 342Politics and Activism in Global Contemporary Art00000
ART 382Feminist Art & Theory: 1970-Present00000
ART 401Ceramics IV00000
ART 405Drawing III00000
ART 420Advanced 3D Fabrication/Art00000
ART 426Painting IV00000
ART 446Weaving IV00000
ART 475Independent Studio Study00000
ART 488Senior Capstone00000
ART 106Drawing I Workshop00000
ART 200Ceramics 100000
ART 204American Cultures of Memory: M00000
ART 220Intro Metals & 3D Fabrication00000
ART 236Digital Photography I00000
ART 246Weaving I Workshop00000
ART 275Independent Studio Study00000
ART 300Ceramics II00000
ART 320Intermediate 3D Fabrication/Me00000
ART 335Photography II00000
ART 343Responsive Objects: History and Practice00000
ART 385Independent Study00000
ART 403Fiber Arts III00000
ART 421Advanced 3D Fabrication/Art00000
ART 445Weaving III00000
ART 481Internship00000
ART 485Independent Study00000
ART 115Art: Context & Meaning00000
ART 202Fiber Art I00000
ART 21120th Century Art00000
ART 235Photography I00000
ART 245Weaving 100000
ART 280Gallery Practicum00000
ART 303Fiber Art II00000
ART 325Painting II00000
ART 0340Art00000
ART 345Weaving II00000
ART 400Ceramics III00000
ART 402Curatorial Practicum00000
ART 406Drawing IV00000
ART 425Painting III00000
ART 435Photography III00000
ART 447Photography IV00000
ART 483Teaching Assistant00000
ART 487Senior Project00000