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ECU Course Reviews

East Carolina University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HDFS 1103Marriage and Family Relations24111
BIOL 1060Environmental Biology43331
BIOL 1061Environmental Biology Laboratory43331
ANTH 3115Caribbean Archaeology00000
ANTH 3003Cultures of Africa00000
ADRE 6000Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability00000
ACCT 6611Auditing00000
ANTH 5201Special Topics in Arch: Caribb00000
ADRE 6991Internship in Clinical, Addictions, and Rehabilitation Couns...00000
ART 1014Narrative in Art and Design00000
ADRE 8532Independent Study00000
ANTH 2005Environmental Anthropology (Semester at Coast)00000
ADRE 2003Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Health and Social Problem00000
ANTH 3020Primate Behavior and Social Organization00000
ACCT 3621Cost Accounting00000
ANTH 4401Human Skeletal Analysis00000
ADRE 6360Practicum in Clinical, Addictions, and Rehabilitation Counse...00000
ANTH 6501Independent Reading and Research00000
KINE 4600Essentials of Strength and Conditioning00000
ART 2010Printmaking Survey00000
ACCT 6901Advanced Federal Taxation00000
MATE 3330Rational Number00000
ADRE 8992Advanced Internship00000
ACCT 6981The Professional Accounting Environment00000
AERO 1100Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force I00000
AERO 2202Team and Leadership Fundamentals II00000
ANTH 1000Introduction to Anthropology00000
ADED 6590Multicultural Issues in Education00000
ANTH 2025Sexual Behavior from an Anthropological Perspective00000
ACCT 2101Survey of Financial and Managerial Accounting00000
ANTH 3011Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways00000
ADRE 4793Treatment of Substance Abuse00000
ANTH 3077Archaeological Methods00000
HIST 2700History of Piracy00000
ANTH 4000Cultures of the Middle East00000
ADRE 6330Clinical and Addictions Counseling00000
ANTH 4990Internship in Applied Anthropology00000
ACCT 4921Accounting for Business Professionals00000
ANTH 6101Core Course: Archaeology00000
ADRE 6550Research in Clinical, Addictions, and Rehabilitation Counsel...00000
ANTH 7000Thesis00000
COMM 6312Risk and Crisis Communication00000
ART 1250Digital Photography for Non-SOAD Majors00000
ADRE 7601Rehabilitation Administration and Leadership00000
ART 2105Ceramics Survey00000
KINE 6211Exercise Prescription for Resistance Training00000
ADRE 8630Theory and Design of Rehabilitation Programs00000
ACCT 6921Advanced Taxation of Partnerships00000
ADRE 9000Dissertation00000
ENGL 6575Special Topics in Literature: What is a Novel?00000
AERO 1103Leadership Lab00000
ADED 4500Lead Tutor Development00000
MGMT 3552Global Perspectives in Business00000
AERO 3301Leadership Lab00000
ADED 6240Effective College Teaching00000
AERO 4400National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty00000
AERO 4403Leadership Lab00000
ANAT 8100Gross Anatomy and Embryology00000
ADED 6491Research Problems in Adult Education00000
ANTH 1200Anthropology of Monsters, Zombies, and Vampires00000
AAAS 1000Introduction to African and African American Studies00000
ANTH 2015Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
ADED 6990Internship in Adult Education00000
ANTH 2250Race and Ethnic Relations: Discovering New Solutions00000
GLST 2000Fashion Representations in Culture00000
ANTH 3005North American Indians00000
ADRE 4000Interviewing Techniques for Health and Rehabilitation Settin...00000
ANTH 3017Cultures of Mexico and Guatemala00000
ACCT 3101Fraud Examination00000
ANTH 3028Human Adaptation and Variation00000
ADRE 4994Rehabilitation Services Internship00000
ANTH 3113Archaeology of the Old Testament World00000
COAD 6418Diagnosis and Psychopathology in Counseling00000
ANTH 3200Women's Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective00000
ADRE 6250Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental and Emotional Disorders00000
ANTH 4054Anthropology of Religion00000
ACCT 4611Taxation for Decision Making00000
ANTH 4503Independent Study00000
ADRE 6350Clinical, Addictions, And Rehabilitation Group Counseling00000
ANTH 5015Advanced Ethnographic Methods and Theory00000
HIST 5800Africa and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade00000
ANTH 6005Communication Across Cultures00000
ADRE 6375Military and Trauma Counseling00000
ANTH 6104Anthropological Research Design00000
ACCT 6241Financial and Managerial Accounting00000
ANTH 6845Advarch&Musartifcons;/Whist684500000
ADRE 6796Contemporary Issues for Addictions00000
ART 1011Visual Organization00000
ATEP 6311Orthopedic Evaluation of the Lower Extremity Lab00000
ART 1025Digital Design00000
ADRE 6994Internship in Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation Counseling00000
ART 1906Art History Survey00000
ACCT 6631Advanced Cost and Systems00000
ADED 6450Community, Junior, and Technical College00000
ANAT 6291Current Topics in Anatomy and Cell Biology00000
ANAT 7202Molecular Cell Biology00000
ADRE 8350Advanced Group Counseling In Rehabilitation00000
ARTH 3975African American Art00000
ATEP 6451Therapeutic Modalities Lab00000
GEOG 4492Supervised Study in Geographic Techniques00000