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ECU Course Reviews

East Carolina University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 1061Environmental Biology Laboratory43331
BIOL 1060Environmental Biology43331
BIOL 7881Bioinformatics Lab00000
BIOL 3760Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 7920Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 8810Methods and Techniques00000
BIOL 9000Dissertation Research00000
BIOL 1051General Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 1100Principles of Biology I- for intended biology or biochemistr...00000
BIOL 1151Principles of Biology: A Human Approach Discussion00000
BIOL 2016Biological Anthropology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2110Fundamentals of Microbiology00000
BIOL 2130Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy00000
BIOL 2141Human Physiology and Anatomy I Laboratory00000
BIOL 2250Ecology00000
BIOL 2800Biological Instruction00000
BIOL 3150Plant Biology00000
BIOL 3231Field Botany Laboratory00000
BIOL 3311Cellular Physiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3550Biology Honors (WI)00000
BIOL 3661Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5151Herpetology Laboratory00000
BIOL 6250Protein Purification Techniques00000
BIOL 8815Seminar in Biological Sciences00000
BIOL 5270Marine Community Ecology00000
BIOL 5511Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory00000
BIOL 5551Ichthyology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5680Coastal Spatial Ecological Analysis00000
BIOL 5890Virology00000
BIOL 5951Taxonomy of Vascular Plants Laboratory00000
BIOL 6030Topics in Cell Biology00000
BIOL 6130Advances in Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 6240Principles of Biochemistry I00000
BIOL 7741Behavioral Ecology Lab00000
BIOL 6504Research Problems in Biology00000
BIOL 6800Population Ecology00000
BIOL 6880Introduction to Research00000
BIOL 6992Internship in Applied Biology00000
BIOL 7000Thesis00000
BIOL 7090Experimental Embryology00000
BIOL 7101Laboratory Methods in Biochemistry, Genetics and Cell Biolog...00000
BIOL 7240The Evolution Of Genes And Genomes00000
BIOL 7360Fisheries Management00000
BIOL 6993Internship00000
BIOL 5900Biotechniques00000
BIOL 5950Taxonomy of Vascular Plants00000
BIOL 6100Advances in Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 6210Phylogenetic Theory00000
BIOL 6242Principles of Biochemistry II00000
BIOL 6251Protein Purification Techniques00000
BIOL 6514Research Problems in Biology00000
BIOL 6771Ornithology Laboratory00000
BIOL 6850Behavioral Ecology00000
BIOL 6881Introduction to Research II00000
BIOL 5601Fisheries Techniques Laboratory00000
BIOL 7005Coastal Ecological Processes00000
BIOL 7091Experimental Embryology Laboratory00000
BIOL 7212Gene Targeting and Knockout Animals00000
BIOL 7320Ecological Dimensions of Coastal Management00000
BIOL 7480Cell Biology00000
BIOL 7870Molecular Genetics00000
BIOL 7890Current Literature in Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 7900Ecological Statistics00000
BIOL 1050General Biology00000
BIOL 4770Ornithology00000
BIOL 4051Comparative Anatomy Laboratory00000
BIOL 4150Pestilence, Politics and Conquest00000
BIOL 4201Population and Community Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4220Microbes And Immunity (Wi)00000
BIOL 4260Cell Biology00000
BIOL 4301Ecosystem Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4420Microbial Biotechnology00000
BIOL 4514Res Problems in Biology (WI)00000
BIOL 4560Microbial Ecology00000
BIOL 4740Behavioral Ecology00000
BIOL 4040Human Genetics00000
BIOL 4800Practical Computing00000
BIOL 4890Principles of Biochemistry II00000
BIOL 4991Internship00000
BIOL 4993Internship00000
BIOL 5150Herpetology00000
BIOL 5261Microbial Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5450Histology00000
BIOL 5510Transmission Electron Microscopy00000
BIOL 5521Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Analysis Laboratory00000
BIOL 4995Biology Honors Thesis (WI)00000
BIOL 4270Behavioral Neurobiology00000
BIOL 4320Ecological Responses to Global Climate Change00000
BIOL 4504Research Problems in Biology00000
BIOL 4550Biology Honors00000
BIOL 4650Biology of Cancer00000
BIOL 4741Behavioral Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4771Ornithology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4880Principles of Biochemistry I00000
BIOL 4891Principles of Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BIOL 4992Internship00000
BIOL 4240Genome Evolution00000
BIOL 5260Microbial Ecology00000
BIOL 5451Histology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5520Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Analysis00000
BIOL 5550Ichthyology00000
BIOL 5600Fisheries Techniques00000
BIOL 5870Molecular Biology of the Gene00000
BIOL 5901Biotechniques Laboratory00000
BIOL 6003Seminar00000
BIOL 6071Human Gross Anatomy00000
BIOL 3230Field Botany00000
BIOL 1101Principles of Biology Laboratory I00000
BIOL 1150Principles of Biology: A Human Approach00000
BIOL 1201Principles of Biology Laboratory II00000
BIOL 2100Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology00000
BIOL 2111Fundamentals of Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2140Human Physiology and Anatomy I00000
BIOL 2151Human Physiology and Anatomy II Laboratory00000
BIOL 2300Principles of Genetics00000
BIOL 3030Principles of Physiology00000
BIOL 6120Advances in Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 3310Cellular Physiology00000
BIOL 3320Principles Of Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 3660Introduction to Marine Biology00000
BIOL 3741Animal Behavior Laboratory00000
BIOL 4030Principles of Toxicology00000
BIOL 4060Embryology00000
BIOL 4061Embryology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4200Population and Community Ecology00000
BIOL 4210Phylogenetic Theory00000
BIOL 3504Research in Biology00000
BIOL 1200Principles of Biology II00000
BIOL 2015Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
BIOL 2101Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2131Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory00000
BIOL 2150Human Physiology and Anatomy II00000
BIOL 2251Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3010Scientific Communication00000
BIOL 3220Microbiology00000
BIOL 3221Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3260Cell and Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 1120Careers in Biology00000
BIOL 3620Biological Evolution00000
BIOL 3740Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 3820Plant Biotechnology00000
BIOL 4050Comparative Anatomy00000
BIOL 4071Human Gross Anatomy00000
BIOL 4170Immunology I00000
BIOL 4205Population Genetics00000
BIOL 4230Concepts in Cell Biology00000
BIOL 4250Biological Oceanography00000
BIOL 7010Estuarine Ecology00000
BIOL 6220Practical Computing00000
BIOL 6244Principles of Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BIOL 6300Neurophysiology00000
BIOL 6560Microbial Ecology00000
BIOL 6770Ornithology00000
BIOL 6820Modern Approach Data Analysis00000
BIOL 6860Advances in Ecology00000
BIOL 6882Science Communication00000
BIOL 6994Internship00000
BIOL 4300Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIOL 7100Foundations in Biochemistry, Genetics and Cell Biology00000
BIOL 7213Gene Targeting and Knockout Animals Laboratory00000
BIOL 7350Current Literature in Fish Ecology00000
BIOL 7481Cell Biology Lab00000
BIOL 7740Behavioral Ecology00000
BIOL 7880Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 7895Current Literature in Cell Biology00000
BIOL 7970Teaching Natural Science in Higher Education00000
BIOL 8830Introduction to Research00000