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ECU Course Reviews

East Carolina University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 3121American Military History to 190000000
HIST 6946Graduate Internship in Historic Site Administration00000
HIST 6993Directed Research Project00000
HIST 4170Native American Maritime History00000
HIST 1030World Civilizations to 150000000
HIST 1051American History Since 187700000
HIST 2150Shop Til You Drop: Consumerism00000
HIST 3000History: Its Nature and Method00000
HIST 3010Constitutional History of the United States to 188800000
HIST 6910Seminar in American History00000
HIST 3170History of Native Americans00000
HIST 3240The Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1919-194500000
HIST 3350War and Society00000
HIST 3412A History of Christianity to 130000000
HIST 3420Early Modern Europe to 164800000
HIST 3461Germany Since 191400000
HIST 3484Britain from 183200000
HIST 3553Soviet Russia, 1917-199100000
HIST 6050The Great Depression, New Deal, and World War II00000
HIST 5440Twentieth-Century England00000
HIST 5480Weimar and the Rise of Hitler00000
HIST 5520Maritime History of the Western World Since 181500000
HIST 5910Introduction To The Administration Of Archives And Historica...00000
HIST 5921Techniques Of Museum And Historic Site Development00000
HIST 5931Field and Laboratory Studies in Museum and Historic Site Dev...00000
HIST 5960Introduction to Oral History00000
HIST 6020American Colonial History00000
HIST 3629History of Traditional China00000
HIST 6230Warfare and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome, 750 BC to 50...00000
HIST 6355History of Ancient Rome00000
HIST 6570The Modern Middle East: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuri...00000
HIST 6630Seminar In Maritime Studies00000
HIST 6810History of Marine Architecture and Ship Construction00000
HIST 6832African and Caribbean Maritime Archaeology and History00000
HIST 6850Field Research in Maritime History00000
HIST 6885Recording Watercraft00000
HIST 6650Management of Coastal Cultural Resources00000
HIST 5930Field and Laboratory Studies in Museum and Historic Site Dev...00000
HIST 5950Introduction to Quantitative History00000
HIST 6010Maritime History of the Atlantic World, 1415-181500000
HIST 6035Civil War00000
HIST 6221American Military History to 190000000
HIST 6260The United States and the Middle East, 1783 to the Present00000
HIST 6500Africa and the Atlantic World00000
HIST 6580Women and Gender in the Middle East00000
HIST 5920Techniques of Museum and Historic Site Development00000
HIST 6820Research Methodology in Nautical Archaeology00000
HIST 6835Advanced Methods for Maritime Archaeology00000
HIST 6860Archaelogical/Museum Conservation Methods Internship00000
HIST 6890Ship Reconstruction00000
HIST 6920Seminar in European History00000
HIST 6990Arch Res on WWII Peleliu00000
HIST 7000Thesis00000
HIST 6170Native American Maritime History00000
HIST 5005War and Society00000
HIST 3670History of the Middle East Since 150000000
HIST 3711Introduction to Latin-American History: Since 180800000
HIST 3820History of South Africa00000
HIST 3840Africa and the Atlantic World00000
HIST 3907Pirate Nation: An ECU History00000
HIST 4000Senior Seminar00000
HIST 4550Honors00000
HIST 4943Internship in Museum Administration00000
HIST 5340The Ancient Near East00000
HIST 5135Problems in North Carolina History00000
HIST 5220Selected Topics in US Women's History00000
HIST 5300Comparative History of Non-Western Civilizations00000
HIST 5360The Reformation, 1450-159800000
HIST 5470History of Soviet Russia Since 191700000
HIST 5505Maritime History of the Western World to 141500000
HIST 5765Latin America, 1492 to the Present00000
HIST 5122Social And Cultural History Of The United States Since 186500000
HIST 3680Women and Gender in the Middle East00000
HIST 3780Mexico and Central America00000
HIST 3830Africa and Islam00000
HIST 3980Shipwreck Archaeology00000
HIST 3981History and Archaeology of Small Watercraft00000
HIST 4531Directed Readings in History00000
HIST 4551Honors00000
HIST 4944Internship In Museum Administration00000
HIST 3669History of the Middle East, 600-150000000
HIST 5140The Old South00000
HIST 5951Directed Readings and Research in Quantitative History00000
HIST 6025American Revolution and Early Republic00000
HIST 6210War and Society00000
HIST 6225Battlefield Archaeology00000
HIST 6350History of Ancient Greece00000
HIST 6525Sea Power, 480 BC to the Present00000
HIST 6610Legal and Professional Issues in Maritime Studies00000
HIST 3245The United States Since 194500000
HIST 5800Africa and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade00000
HIST 1031World Civilizations Since 150000000
HIST 2000Introduction to History00000
HIST 2300Passion And Sex In Asian History00000
HIST 2600Maritime Heritage of the Outer Banks00000
HIST 3100North Carolina History00000
HIST 3122American Military History Since 190000000
HIST 3215American Revolution and the Federal Era, 1763-180000000
HIST 6805History and Theory of Nautical Archaeology00000
HIST 3405History of Ancient Greece to 146 BC00000
HIST 3406War and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome00000
HIST 3413A History Of Christianity 1300-Present00000
HIST 3435History of Europe Since 191400000
HIST 3480Britain to 168800000
HIST 3551Medieval Russia, 862-168200000
HIST 3615History of Traditional Japan00000
HIST 3630History of Modern China00000
HIST 3832African and Caribbean Maritime Archaeology and History00000
HIST 3415The Middle Ages00000
HIST 3460Germany, 1790-191400000
HIST 3482Britain, 1688-183200000
HIST 3552Imperial Russia, 1682-191700000
HIST 3620History of Modern Japan00000
HIST 3635Samurai History and Cinema00000
HIST 3710Introduction to Latin-American History: Colonial Period00000
HIST 3810History of Africa00000
HIST 3410History of Ancient Rome00000
HIST 3900Introduction to Public History00000
HIST 3993Approaches to Historical Objects00000
HIST 4533Greek Internatl Relations00000
HIST 4940Internship in Archives and Historical Records Administration00000
HIST 4946Internship in Historic Site Administration00000
HIST 5130Comparative History of New World Slavery and Race Relations00000
HIST 5141The South Since 187700000
HIST 5230Themes in African American History00000
HIST 1050American History to 187700000
HIST 6825American Maritime Material Culture00000
HIST 6840Introduction to Archaeological and Museum Artifact Conservat...00000
HIST 6845Advanced Archaeological and Museum Artifact Conservation00000
HIST 6881History and Archaeology of Small Watercraft00000
HIST 6900Historiography: Introduction to Research00000
HIST 6930Seminar in Atlantic World History00000
HIST 6940Graduate Internship in Archives and Historical Records Admin...00000
HIST 6992Directed Studies in History00000
HIST 2700History of Piracy00000
HIST 2012American Business History00000
HIST 2444The History of Sports in Western Society00000
HIST 3005Battlefield Archaeology00000
HIST 3110History of African-Americans00000
HIST 3140Women in American History00000
HIST 3225The Era of Sectionalism and Civil War, 1848-187700000
HIST 3260The United States And The Middle East, 1783-Present00000