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Edinboro Course Reviews

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 556Special Photographic Workshop00000
ART 267Film & Video I00000
ART 251Photography 100000
ART 237Wood Furniture 200000
ART 227Sculpture 200000
ART 216Ceramics 100000
ART 211Metals I00000
ART 105Color00000
ART 792Jewelry/Metal 200000
ART 772Graduate Printmaking 200000
ART 762Ceramics 200000
ART 752Sculpture 200000
ART 750Studio Problems/Sculpture00000
ART 741Painting 100000
ART 701Seminar In Fine Arts00000
ART 303Illustration I00000
ART 499Sen Proj Graph Des00000
ART 480Adv Ceramics00000
ART 472Advanced Metals00000
ART 462Computer Animation IV00000
ART 449Advanced Digital Editing00000
ART 434Packaging Design00000
ART 431Movements In Graphic Design00000
ART 417Adv Illustration II00000
ART 411Experimental Film00000
ART 408Human Head00000
ART 405Advanced Flash Animation00000
ART 401Adv Rigging And Dynamics00000
ART 393Illustration II00000
ART 367Film & Video II00000
ART 413Adv Illustration I00000
ART 791Jewelry/Metal 100000
ART 771Graduate Printmaking 100000
ART 761Ceramics 100000
ART 743Drawing00000
ART 740Studio Problems In Painting00000
ART 700Sem Fine Arts00000
ART 509Human Anatomy II00000
ART 490Ind Std/Art00000
ART 467Film & Video IV00000
ART 452Advanced Photography II00000
ART 440Adv Painting00000
ART 433Id Practicum00000
ART 430Motion Design00000
ART 415Action Analysis00000
ART 352Intermediate Photography II00000
ART 409Human Anatomy Drawing00000
ART 404Adv 3D Software00000
ART 402Stybrd And Char Design00000
ART 395Prof Pract Studio Arts00000
ART 370Film & Video III00000
ART 353Animation II00000
ART 349Computer Animation III00000
ART 345Color For Painters00000
ART 335Inter Painting00000
ART 326Web Design00000
ART 323Intaglio I00000
ART 319Inter Metals00000
ART 314Sculpt Steel Fab00000
ART 307Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 327Corporate Id00000
ART 432Publication Design00000
ART 425Adv Printmaking00000
ART 414Light And Sound Design00000
ART 410Advanced Drawing00000
ART 406Adv Model & Texture00000
ART 403Alt Processes Animation00000
ART 400Adv Comp And Fxs00000
ART 377Inter Sculpture00000
ART 372Scientific Illustration00000
ART 354Animation III00000
ART 351Intermediate Photography I00000
ART 346Graphic Novel00000
ART 338Inter Wood/Furnit00000
ART 329Photo-Lithography00000
ART 438Adv Wood/Furnit00000
ART 324Relief I00000
ART 321Screen Printing I00000
ART 315Inter Ceramics00000
ART 313Sculpture Topic Metal Cast00000
ART 305Typography I00000
ART 301Principles Of Graphic Design00000
ART 258Graphic Design Software00000
ART 249Computer Animation I00000
ART 232Painting 200000
ART 231Painting 100000
ART 221Printmaking 100000
ART 215Metals II00000
ART 106Drawing 100000
ART 102Design-3 Dimen00000
ART 107Drawing 200000
ART 348Computer Anim II00000
ART 341Digital Drawing /Painting00000
ART 333Socially Engaged Art00000
ART 328Interpreting The Figure00000
ART 325Inter Printmaking00000
ART 322Lithography I00000
ART 316Typography II00000
ART 311Sculpt Figure Modeling00000
ART 306Space & Perspective00000
ART 268Animation I00000
ART 252Photography II00000
ART 236Wood Furniture 100000
ART 226Sculpture 100000
ART 217Ceramics 200000
ART 101Design-2 Dimen00000
ART 103Four Dimensional Design00000
ART 799Studio Exhibit00000
ART 780Studio Problems In Crafts00000
ART 770Studio Problems In Printmaking00000
ART 760Studio Problems/Ceramics00000
ART 751Sculpture 100000
ART 742Painting 200000
ART 702Seminar In Fine Arts00000
ART 566Gallery Managemnt00000
ART 503Book Arts00000
ART 489Design Practicum00000
ART 477Adv Sculpture00000
ART 466Animation IV00000
ART 451Advanced Photography I00000