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EKU Course Reviews

Eastern Kentucky University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 495Evolutionary Theory and App00000
BIO 555Behavioral Ecology00000
BIO 553Mammalogy00000
BIO 549Neurobiology00000
BIO 547Comp Vertebrate Embryology00000
BIO 542Freshwater Invertebrates00000
BIO 535Pathogenic Microbiology00000
BIO 533Bioinformatics:Princples & App00000
BIO 531Principles Molecular Biology00000
BIO 527Immunology00000
BIO 521Plant Ecology00000
BIO 514Evolution00000
BIO 557Ichthyology00000
BIO 371Neuroanatomy00000
BIO 348Vertebrate Physiology00000
BIO 335Plant Systematics00000
BIO 331Cell Biology00000
BIO 319General Zoology00000
BIO 316Ecology00000
BIO 310Biology of Aging00000
BIO 307Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIO 301Human Physiology00000
BIO 171Human Anatomy00000
BIO 891Thesis Research00000
BIO 753Mammalogy00000
BIO 891CContinuation Thesis Research00000
BIO 880Current Review of Biology00000
BIO 847Community Ecology00000
BIO 846Population Ecology00000
BIO 810Biostatistics00000
BIO 802Sel. Topic: Molecular Ecology00000
BIO 800Biology and Ethics00000
BIO 798Special Problems00000
BIO 761Fish Biology & Management00000
BIO 757Ichthyology00000
BIO 755Behavioral Ecology00000
BIO 849Field Methods in Ecology00000
BIO 749Neurobiology00000
BIO 747Comp Vertebrate Embryology00000
BIO 742Freshwater Invertebrates00000
BIO 735Pathogenic Microbiology00000
BIO 732Conservation Biology00000
BIO 728Virology00000
BIO 727Immunology00000
BIO 720Invasive Species Management00000
BIO 700Environmental Issues00000
BIO 598Special Problems00000
BIO 561Fish Biology and Management00000
BIO 332Careers in Biomedical Sciences00000
BIO 548Insect Diversity00000
BIO 546Histology00000
BIO 536Dendrology00000
BIO 532Conservation Biology00000
BIO 528Virology00000
BIO 525Aquatic and Wetland Plants00000
BIO 520Invasive Species Management00000
BIO 500Environmental Issues00000
BIO 378Human Physiology Laboratory00000
BIO 349Co-op or Appl. Lrn: Biology00000
BIO 342Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIO 550Animal Behavior00000
BIO 320Principles of Microbiology00000
BIO 318General Botany00000
BIO 315Genetics00000
BIO 308Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIO 305Biology of Sex00000
BIO 273Clinical Microbiology00000
BIO 271Advanced Human Anatomy00000
BIO 112Ecology and Evolution00000
BIO 111Cell and Molecular Biology00000
BIO 102Inquiry Biology for Teachers00000
BIO 101Essentials of Biology00000
BIO 736Dendrology00000
BIO 839Co-op or Appl. Lrn: Biology00000
BIO 806Aquatic Entomology00000
BIO 801Scien Lit & Writing-Biology00000
BIO 799Fire Ecology00000
BIO 790Ecology for Teachers00000
BIO 758Freshwater Ecology00000
BIO 756Herpetology00000
BIO 754Ornithology00000
BIO 750Animal Behavior00000
BIO 748Insect Diversity00000
BIO 746Histology00000
BIO 100Introductory Biology00000
BIO 733Bioinformatics:Princples & App00000
BIO 731Principles Molecular Biology00000
BIO 725Aquatic and Wetland Plants00000
BIO 721Plant Ecology00000
BIO 714Evolution00000
BIO 599Fire Ecology00000
BIO 590Ecology for Teachers00000
BIO 558Freshwater Ecology00000
BIO 556Herpetology00000
BIO 554Ornithology00000