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Elon Course Reviews

Elon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 265Human Anatomy Laboratory00000
BIO 347Dendrology00000
BIO 344Evolution00000
BIO 341Botany00000
BIO 331Animal Behavior00000
BIO 327Immunology00000
BIO 324Toxicology00000
BIO 321Microbiology00000
BIO 318Comp Vert Structure & Function00000
BIO 315Animal Physiology00000
BIO 350General Ecology00000
BIO 263Human Anatomy00000
BIO 261Introductory Seminar00000
BIO 246Principles of Genetics Lab00000
BIO 214Population Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 131Biodiversity00000
BIO 111Introductory Cell Biology00000
BIO 105Sci-Fi Biology00000
BIO 101Topics in General Biology00000
BIO 2312Human Anatomy00000
BIO 4999Research/ELR00000
BIO 4970Senior Seminar00000
BIO 4110Molecular and Cellular Biology00000
BIO 3622General Ecology00000
BIO 3542Dendrology00000
BIO 3220Intro to Cancer Biology00000
BIO 2970Introductory Seminar00000
BIO 2512Intro Population Biology00000
BIO 2412Human Physiology00000
BIO 0070Senior Comprehensive Evaluatio00000
BIO 2212Principles of Genetics00000
BIO 1514Biodiversity00000
BIO 1112Introductory Cell Biology00000
BIO 1013General Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 499Research/ELR00000
BIO 462Senior Seminar00000
BIO 373Cellular Neurophysiology00000
BIO 372Endocrinology00000
BIO 266Human Physiology Laboratory00000
BIO 361Intro to Cancer Biology00000
BIO 348Biotechnology00000
BIO 346Wetlands Ecology and Mgt00000
BIO 342Aquatic Biology: Inland Water00000
BIO 334Herpetology00000
BIO 328Biochemical Basis of Disease00000
BIO 325Human Histology00000
BIO 319Compar/Functional Neurobio00000
BIO 316Developmental Biology00000
BIO 374Biotech Special Topics00000
BIO 264Human Physiology00000
BIO 262Experimental Design00000
BIO 253Gen Microbio Health Professnl00000
BIO 245Principles of Genetics00000
BIO 212Intro Population Biology00000
BIO 113Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 106Biology: The Science of Life00000
BIO 102General Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 2313Human Anatomy Laboratory00000
BIO 4985Internship in BIO/ELR00000
BIO 4212Advanced Genetics00000
BIO 3720Endocrinology00000
BIO 3602Wetlands Ecology and Mgt00000
BIO 3522Developmental Biology00000
BIO 3200Biochemical Basis of Disease00000
BIO 2513Population Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 2413Human Physiology Laboratory00000
BIO 070Senior Comprehensive Evaluatio00000
BIO 2213Principles of Genetics Lab00000
BIO 2122Gen Microbio Health Professnl00000
BIO 1113Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 1064Biology: The Science of Life00000
BIO 1012Topics in General Biology00000
BIO 481Internship in BIO/ELR00000
BIO 445Advanced Genetics00000
BIO 422Molecular and Cellular Biology00000